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Enjoying working from home

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Hi all,

Just wanted to say hi and advertise that it is so nice to be working from home.....just finished a quilt for a dear friend with organic cotton and an oriental theme and it turned out so beautifully that i just about danced.....i would like to put a picture on when i get it from my friend....have to say I had 4 horrible hours last week at the start of this quilt as my friend gave me cotton thread to use and it continuously broke all 4 hours....i am surprised I didn't have piles of hair on the floor as I was so ready to rip it out of my head.....Incredibly frustrating, wanted to cry and then hubby and another friend suggested it was the thread...sure enough when i changed over to my Superior thread So Fine..problem solved.....I am at the learning stage about all these little glitches and i was just about ready to throw my machine out the window at that point too......if i could have lifted it..haha! :D Anyway, just happy now to be one of your group and loving being able to organize my life the way I want it to be......(I'm the gal who had breast cancer 1 1/2 years ago but am in remission now) having had a serious illness sure changes your perspective on life....Take care of yourselves and get regular mammograms ladies.....Sincerely..Denise

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Denise, welcome and here\'s to surviving breast cancer. when I was having radiation I looked around the waiting room and realized we were all here because of the club none of us asked to join. I retired in July from a job that payed well but was sucking my soul. I certainly agree that cancer sure makes a person decide how they want to spend their days and I want to smile, laugh and feel fresh air on my skin and commune with creative people with good hearts and this is a great place for that!! thanks folks -mwl

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Welcome Denise. I\'m also glad that you are in remission. There is nothing like a life threatening illness to make you wake up to what is really important in life. It gives us a chance to examine all aspects of our life that we were too busy to see before the diagnosis. Isn\'t it neat that you are going to be able to work from home doing what causes you to want to dance & pull out your hair at the same time (9 LOL :)). I\'m looking forward to seeing your pics in the future.

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