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Thread Colour Help Please

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Picking a thread colour always seems to be one of my biggest problems. This is a Jewel Box quilt that I just finished and I\'m not sure what colour thread to use. I plan on doing a panto. The background is black and the blocks are Moda Marble Botanicals. Any help/suggestions you can give me would really be appreciated.


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Beautiful quilt.

Gosh, I think you have a lot of choices. I have 2 questions that always help me to distill my thread choices:

#1 What kind of batting are you using?

#2 What color is the backing?

If you are using anything besides a very flat batt, like Warm & Nautral/white, then the second question is not so important. I keep pretty good tension so I rarely have pokies....except on W & N; there just doesn\'t seem to be room enough to make a stitch so it doesn\'t show when I make tight curls unless I really slow down. So slow I go on W & N but I choose a thread that I can use on the top and the bottom. If it is poly anything batting, then I am free to choose whatever thread I want to match the backing. The thickness of the poly is enough to prevent any pokies of the opposing thread.

Back to your quilt. One more question, is it a girl or boy quilt? I would really like purple on that black. But if it is a boy, then maybe a spring green.

I can\'t wait to see what other color choices you get. ;)

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I think you actually have a lot of choices. First I would decide if I wanted the stitches to show up or just the quilting to show. If I want just the quilting I would use SoFine or Bottomline and find a color that would blend as much as possible with all the colors. Hard since you have the solid black which would show the thread but you might also consider monopoly. If you want to see the thread the I\'d agree with Jeanette and go with a varigated. The other option is to pick your favorite color and use that. I think the lime green would look unbelievable!


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Thanks everyone for your input and suggestions. I\'ve printed them out and will go and audition the thread colours you have suggested.

To answer some of the questions - I\'m using Quilter\'s Dream batting and the quilt is for a very dear Aunt.

The pattern is called Jewel Box Quilt from Eleanor Burn\'s Quilt in a Day series. Here is a link to her website but it can be purchased almost anywhere.


I\'ll post pictures of the finished quilt so you can see what I decided.

Thanks again.

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