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Midwest Ice Storm -- Are you allright in the Heartland?

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We were without power about 19 hours the first time and about 10 hours the second time. It gets mighty cold in this old house without heat. The saving grace is that we had water and bathroom facilities(but boy, is that stool COLD when you have no heat!!) Of course we have an electric cook stove and a gas furnace with an electric starter. We stayed here as we were afraid that the pipes would freeze. Don\'t know what we could have done about it if they had!!

Our electric line from the pole to the house is on the ground but at least we still have electricity.

The trees look so sad, it really does look like a war zone. Part of the neighbors tree fell on our fence; another part of the same tree is leaning on top of our picnic table...I just hope that it doesn\'t break off as it would likely hit the back of our house.

And my husband just informed me that it is already snowing and they are predicting up to 6 inches of snow. Not fun...I am losing my sense of humor..too many things going wrong lately.

But...as of now we have power, Thank you God.

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The storm is headed the northeast and due to start after midnight. They are calling for 7 - 9 inches of snow followed by sleet/ice! They are saying that we have the potential for 1/2" of ice. I sure hope we don\'t get that much of the ice/sleet. I don\'t mind the snow. It will be a mess for Monday morning. I can\'t loose power either...I have a quilt to finish for a Christmas present!


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We made it through!! We did get some snow, but not nearly as much as they thought we would. It was very cold today so it feels good just to stay in by the fire. There is still ice hanging on the trees and bushes, but it was around 18 degrees this morning at 10 am so nothing melts in those temps. It will be in the 40\'s this week - go figure - you know what they say about Missouri...."If you don\'t like the weather, stick around, it will change!"

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We made it through without loosing power. Hopefully that will last. We have about 7" of new snow. It sleeted most of the day so that helped keep the snow accumulations down . Sadly it made for really messy roads. It is supposed to get really windy tonight so hopefully we won\'t loose power. It would be nice to go in late tomorrow. I stayed in all day. Hubby dug us out and then went to his mothers. I did my checkbook :( and cleaned the house and then worked on that Chrsitmas quilt. I finally got tree decorated tonight! Nothing else done in the house...no more time! LOL I need to start in the summer. I just can\'t figure out how to work full-time, quilt part-time and still do all the stuff I used to do! I think I just need to quit the day job!!!! Hubby wouldn\'t like that! Ten more years, after that I\'m retiring and then I can just quilt!


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After 5 days, we finally have electricity - YEAH! Although quite honestly the down time wasn\'t so bad. Got some other much needed work done around the house during daylight hours. We got 5 inches of new snow on Saturday on top of the 1" ice. Luckily it was light and fluffy and no wind to further damage the trees. Now it\'s RUSH week for Christmas. Happy Holiday\'s Everyone!


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I\'m visiting my daughter in Apple Valley next door to Victorville, I\'m a ult1 LA\'r from Central NC, got here Sat on a big bird.. we\'ve been your path by RV before.. can be fun, glad you made it safely.

We know about Ice Storms .. and have generator..

I don\'t frequent this forum, happy to hear there are other LA\'s here. I\'ll be fun to hear from other\'s here .. via email

Originally posted by lyonden

My husband and I left Virginia on Sunday .. got to Victorville, CA. this morning. .. I know there are 2 other long-armers here in Victorville

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I wish you all a happy Christmas Holiday.

I will miss the cold stormy Christmas trip to my in laws in Marysville and Columbus, Ohio area. For some reason, over the years when we visit for Thanksgiving and Christmas, our plane trips would always stop either in the Twin City or Chicago airports because of the ice storms, then we would rent a car and drive about 5 hours plus to in laws house. My husband refused to stay overnight in hotels offered by the airlines.

I love White Christmas, It is a treat for me being born and raised in the tropics, the Philippines. Have a wonderful Holiday you all.


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Here\'s hoping that you all thaw out soon and have a safe Holiday. I know how it is with all the ice. We often get it here in Portland in Jan or Feb. I am from St. Joe Missouri and belong to a web site for alumni of our high school. They have been posting pictures like those I see here. An ice storm gives opportunity for some great photos. Hopefully with a minimum damage and discomfort.

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I\'m glad you are all okay. Have anybody heard from QuiltFairie. She\'s in that area also, I think. So far we\'ve had miserable Christmas vacation weather, raining and cool. NOt cold enough for hat and gloves, but too cold to go outside for more that a few minutes. The barn is flooded and there is nothing but mud. I think it\'s supposed to get up to 52 today, and maybe the sun will shine a bit. Some Christmas weather, huh.

Everybody stay safe, especially those who are travelling. Anybody passing through Tennessee on 1-40 or driving up or down 1-55, just pop on in. We\'re about 30 minutes either way.

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