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Blue Star Quilt on eBay

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I have to share this story. It really warmed my heart. Heidi, one of the women who works at our LQS is a Navy Reserve officer. Her DH is a Marine Corps helicopter squadron Commanding Officer that will be home for this holiday season. It was not always so. Heidi wanted to do something for the families who will not have their loved ones close for a while. A friend of Heidi's from Soroptomist International expresses it better than I ever can.

Month after month the calendar pages are turned and entire Little League seasons are missed, birthday’s become lost and family vacations turn into postponed trips that develop into questionable outings with each report from the media about wounded or killed service member.

Not to mention the epic moments missed; a baby is born, a family member dies, a loved one is in a car accident, or a child’s first steps – all split seconds in time that can never be reinvented, never made up for, and will never be fully appreciated.

She made a quilt called the Blue Star quilt. Families used to display a blue star in their window to show that they had a family member in the service. Sometimes those that stay behind need help. The washer breaks down, the kids get sick and money is always tight. But faithfully, those that stay behind wait for their loved one to return. Heidi and some other quilters got together and made this quilt. They were thinking that if they could raise $1,000 that they could fund a nice family party for the kids to help get thru the time until their Marine comes home.

Heidi put it on eBay. At first, I thought that she was nuts. eBay shoppers are looking for bargains, not $1,000 quilts.

Well, the quilt auction just closed. Heidi's quilt raised $2,550. Here is Heidi and the quilt she made.

During this holiday season, please keep those who serve in the military and those who serve at home in your prayers.


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Thanks for sharing that I\'m sure glad that Heidi was so successful! Being a wife of a retired Marine I know what it means to the families to have just a little special time. My hubby missed one Christmas during the first Iraq war and we were lucky that he only missed one in 22 years! Of course he missed anniversaries (1st one too), birthdays, deaths in family and can\'t even mention all the little things. The little things kind people do mean so much to the families left behind!


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Wow Linda, I can see where that quilt would bring lots of money.

I\'ve read that the blue star was started in WWII but is also being used extensively in this war. If you have a loved one at war, you hang the blue star in your window. If the soldier has died in war, the blue star gets changed to gold.

We proudly hung our blue star while our son was in Iraq and if he goes back, we\'ll hang it again.

My children and I spent many holidays alone while hubby was at sea. I can tell you from personal experience that those families will be so grateful and happy to have something to celebrate!

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