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Who did your website??

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A great place to go is Websites for Quilters. They are also listed under Danemco. I contacted them last fall to set up a web site for a quilt business that I was starting up. I unfortunately I recently split from the pair of women that I had asked to join me in business and let them take over the site, my baby. I just couldn\'t deal with some of the stunts that one of the women was pulling. However Danemco is a great place to go for a professional site. They do the web site for Superior Threads, HQ Sixteen as well as many others. They will send a written proposal stating all costs and services. Ask for Dan, he\'s lovely to work with. Please tell him Dianne from MVQ refered you. Let me know how it goes, DB

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If you browse around on this forum reading messages from the quilters here---many of them have beautiful and informative websites you can visit, and down near the bottom ot their website they usually have listed who designed their website and you can click on those links and contact the web designer for quotes on building a site.

One of my favorite sites is "Shana\'s"---It\'s visually very beautiful. :) I think one of her family members built the site (it\'s still a work in progress), but if I recall Shana said this family member builds websites as a business. Correct me if I\'m wrong Shana...Here is the website link.


Also use Google and browse around. It is going to take time to assemble prices on what you want on the site (pages, graphic, links etc.), and then find someone to host it. Many website builders also will host the site for you for an annual fee.

Here is another website builder that focuses on building sites just for Quilters:


Let us know when you have your site up and running. :)

Oh, by the way. I don\'t quilt as a business and have never pursued having my own website. However, I did manage our quilt guild\'s website for a few years. It\'s a lot of work, and fun, and takes oddles of time....away from quilting. Unless you have a static site that only occasionally needs updating.

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Guest Linda S

I sort of have a circuitous route for hosting. My domain name is with namesecure (very inexpensive hosting), but I upload it from my ISP, which is Clearwire. I do a bit of webdesign at work, but really wouldn\'t have time to do it as a sideline -- working 40+ hours a week and then quilting nearly kills me as it is. Retirement is next year though! ;)


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No, I did my own. I am not very savvy with web site stuff. My DSIL did my logo for me. She is an artist and does web site creations, too. Anyway, I used Microsoft Front Page to build my site and I got my web domain through GoDaddy.com. If you use Front Page, you can get GoDaddy to add the Front Page extensions, so updating the web page is lickety split fast and is super duper easy. (I am all for the K.I.S.S. methodology).

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I do my own website design, and am just starting to add it to my business, nothing like a bit of diversity LOL! Actually had my first paying website customer last month, how excited was I! I use Dreamweaver to do the programming, mainly in PHP using the smarty template system with html templates, makes it easier to maintain and change later on. My goal for this year is to learn more about java and maybe a bit of flash.

Susan in Australia

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I use homestead. It\'s around $600 a year but very user friendly to use. Point and click basically. Don\'t need to be a programmer or know dreamweaver. They have cheaper rates than the $600 and it\'s free, I think, for one month. Lots of designs and templates to choice from..then you build from there.

I am also adding items for sell on my website and it\'s fairly easy to add the paypal buttons and a shopping cart. It\'s still time consuming, especially the more you customize your site but it\'s a really cool program. You can see how many people visit your site, which pages they click on, how long they stay, etc.

If you do decide on homestead, they will try to program the website for you for an additional fee but if you feel comfortable with creating the website from the templates and during the free trial period, then just tell them you don\'t want the additional help.


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