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What thread to buy???

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I am getting ready to order some thread from Superior and to be honest, I am overwhelmed by the choices... I hear people on here talking allot about So fine and Bottom Line. Are these 2 I should get several colors of? What colors do you suggest? Thanks for the help!! linda

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I think it depends on what kind of quilting you plan on doing.

BL and SF were originally intended for use in the embroidery machines as they are very thin and could be used on the bottom side without a huge buildup. Then some of the \'show\' quilters began using them to prevent buildup also such as in McTavishing and wholecloth where the quilting is extremely heavy. People jumped on the bandwagon and began using them both top and bottom. I purchased several colors of them and hate them as I tend to do traditional old fashioned stuff and I do like my thread track to show the quilting. It is a personal choice:-)

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Hi, I\'d really suggest not getting more than one of each until you try them out, top and bottom. I like sew fine, can\'t figure out Bottom Line, sometimes it works fine, sometimes not, and thats the same bobbin, case, top thread, project and settings.. it just goes bad stitching, good stitching without any reason that I can find. It only does it with BL.


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I have a selection of So Fine and Bottom Line, and use both of them more than anything else. Unless you want your stitching to show on the back of a quilt, Bottom Line is perfect. And it works with any other thread on top, as far as I can see. Their Rainbows line is really lovely to look at, but needs a little bit of attention to stitch with it properly.

There\'s nothing wrong with pretty much any of the threads out there, but you need to figure out which kinds your machine (and you!) do the best with.;) I suggest you start with just a few neutral colors (white, cream, grey) of Bottom Line and So Fine, then work your way into other colors and other types of threads.

For more information, there are lots of threads here that discuss this very topic.

Good luck!

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I love SF in the bobbin, but don\'t care for BL (it is slippery and I worry about knots holding). My favorite combination, unless there is lots of over-stitching or dense quilting, is Signature on the top and SF in the bobbin. SF is often too fine for the top of the quilt in my opinion. I like the quilting to have a presence on the top but not be overwhelming and SF doesn\'t give me that unless the stitching is dense.

Order one of each and see if you like them.


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