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Lot # not always same color

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I know my mom warned me about this when she would crochet afgans...but I didn\'t think about it with my thread. Twice I have been using a certain color of thread and ran out of the first spool. Changed to the second - new spool with the same # and it is totally a different color. I just finished a quilt, ran out of thread while finishing the last 3 borders - guess what...when the two sides met with the first quilted borders the thread was a much lighter shade :mad::mad::mad:

Live and learn...guess I will start all quilts with a new spool of thread....then I will have a thread stash like Sue Patton:D:cool:

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Mary Beth,

Color number is a general description (variegated red, purple, blue, for example) of the thread. A lot number is assigned to a whole batch of thread produced at one time, meaning all spools of thread were produced in a specific run of the manufacturing.

Manufacturers do try to get them all to turn out the same, but there will be variances. What you need is thread that is both the same color number and the same lot number.

I don\'t know if thread manufacturers actually provide this information.

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actually, this customer told me once, when I asked what she wanted me to quilt on her quilts...."I don\'t care, when I die no one will care one way or another, so do whatever you want." She just brings them in drops 4 tops off and picks up the last 4 she brought. I make sure they are laying out and I fold them up one at a time so she will look at them, but she really doesn\'t care. it drives me crazy that the thread is 2 different colors, but she won\'t care.

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Wow...that is huge...what do you do in a case like that. How do you get the color you really wanted, or do you?

The one I had was #403 - the original spool was almost a Mother Goose color, but the second one was more of a cream, so it was lighter. Since I had ran out of the first one, there was nothing to compare it to, and I didn\'t even think about it being that much different or I would have compared it to the stitching. I\'m sure they were sitting next to each other in the drawer, but I didn\'t notice that big a difference then.

Lesson learned. From now on I will look closely at them before adding the new spool to the quilt. Probably should have done that anyway....just in a hurry.

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Mary Beth,

I wonder if Superior can tell you what the new number is for the old 403. I would guess you could use the thread cards to match it...maybe?

Linda - that is a huge change! Thanks for letting us know this much of a varience is a possibility. It will make me think twice before I start a quilt and make sure I have enough thread to finish the project.

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