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Tee shirt quilt

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I\'m making my first ever tee shirt quilt for a friend\'s niece who is graduating from high-school in May. This friend has zero ideas for this quilt, but I don\'t want her to be disappointed. All of the shirts are sports affiliated, I looked for appropriate pantos, but found none. I will be using white sashing between blocks. How should I quilt & with white, invisible or just need help please!!!

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Yes, I agree you will get many responses. I have done a lot of t-shirt quilts too. I have a section on my webshots if you want to take a look...or not...I usually use a thread that goes with the fabric I am using, so if it is navy, I use navy. I know that sounds bad, but it looks fine. Monopoly is fine too, I\'ve never used it. I seem to have a hard time getting it going, I\'m going to try it on the next one and see what happens.

Also, I have used a panto, like My Stars, or Which Way Did They Go...those are two favorites.

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I did a t-shirt quilt for our church camp and used Bottom Line in a light gray - seemed to work just fine. The panto I used had trees and bears - appropriate for a camp in the mountains. I\'m betting that someone has a sports-appropriate panto somewhere - try the Pattern Man.

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I have done several of these lately--one I used a varigated Maxi-Loc with So Fine bobbin, other 2 were varigaited Rainbows with So Fine bobbin. Both worked extremely well with thread breakage in only 1 shirt--and then I just avoided the lettering on that shirt. I liked using the varigiated thread because helped tie all the colors of the shirts together--and didn\'t make one color jump out over another.

Anyway that is what worked for me--check out my post on Rainbows and Tshirts for a pic.

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I\'ve ordered the MonoPoly thread for my tee shirt quilt. Are there any tricks to using it on my Millie?? I\'m guessing from the responses that I don\'t want to stitch through any letters, pictures or logo that is that thick rubbery like stuff on the shirts. Also, when looking for new pantos, is there a place you can go & look for a \'subject\' rather than looking through every pattern the company offers??

It\'s so nice to have all of you experienced quilters to help all of us unexperienced quilters. You\'re all so generous with your help, I surely appreciate all the help I can get.. Thanks so much!!;)

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I ususally use a Rainbow thread an either meander or do a loose panto. If they\'ve been stabilized properly, they are no problem to quilt at all. I avoid going directly over heavy, thick plastic areas unless I\'m doing E2E. Then I just slow down a little and haven\'t had any problems so far.

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  • 2 months later...

Yee-Ha!!! I finished my tee shirt quilt!!! Thanks to all the input from everyone, and my Millie who seems to know more than I do, it went well. I used King Tut varigated in top & bobbin for the borders, as I wanted thread to show up. Then I used the MonoPoly in top & K. Tut in bobbin in a BIG meander over the shirts & the Millie new what to do, turned out great!!!

So glad to have it behind me & thanks again to everyone!!

Meemaw Marilyn

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