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Dont understand this site can any one help?


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Welcome to the site, Darcy! It can be a little confusing at first, but you\'ll be posting with the rest of us pretty quickly. I\'ve never been on any other chat sites, but this one isn\'t the same as what I\'ve been told the others are like - you don\'t see anyone typing their responses. It\'s more like a bulletin board: you see a topic go up, when you select that topic you can see that someone has posted a reply, and you can post a reply as well. Just watch "Today\'s Posts" up on the blue bar - as each topic is created or added to, it will move to the top of the list.

It\'s actually explained pretty well in the FAQs (up on the blue bar as well) - just go there and look around.

Have fun, and again, welcome to the chat!

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There are different pages for different chats. For instance you can go to Gone Quilting...chat about anything where there will be posts on just about any topic. Some people post pictures of quilts or such. Then there are other pages related to specific topics, such as Quilts and Inspiration which is where people mostly post pictures of what they done. There are yet other pages for specific APQS help on their machines, other pages deal with specific issues like gadgets and tools in the longarm industry or even trouble shooting pages wherey ou can post a specific problem. I hope that helps.

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Thanks for the link to the butterfly. unfortunatley it is not the one I was thinking of. although it too is beatiful. This was maybe on some ones site that I went to while snooping thru here! I will just have to try remember who\'s sites I have explored!

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I am new to this. I have an older machine since October 2007 and have been scared of it.! I have done a few runners and 1 practice quilt with the wonderful help of Bonnie! She walked me thru the loading process and everything!! So Thankful. I have contacted Karen McTavish who lives about 1 1/2 hours from me and she is coming on friday with her maintenance person to look over my machine and teach me some of the basics!! Is that a good choice of teachers? I dont even own one of her books! What do you think any advise??

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Originally posted by darcy

Thanks for the link to the butterfly. unfortunatley it is not the one I was thinking of. although it too is beatiful. This was maybe on some ones site that I went to while snooping thru here! I will just have to try remember who\'s sites I have explored!

Darcy, is it this one?


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Originally posted by darcy

I have contacted Karen McTavish who lives about 1 1/2 hours from me and she is coming on friday with her maintenance person to look over my machine and teach me some of the basics!! Is that a good choice of teachers? I dont even own one of her books! What do you think any advise??

Sure, Karen is a good choice in teachers. She\'ll set you up.

Advice? Get all of her books. :) She\'ll autograph them for you, too.

More advice? Don\'t be afraid to try. You will learn something every time you try. You won\'t learn if you don\'t try.

One more piece of advice: Have fun. :)

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Thank you Shana. I have been looking around in here and only hope I will learn how to quilt as beautifully as the rest of you! I have about 6 tops I\'ve made in the last 2 months and want to get them done! If I can learn how to post pics I will. !! Doesnt seem to be easy for a lot of new users!!

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I agree with eveyone here. Karen will help you and she is very open, honest, and friendly.

I also agree with Shana, get all her books. You may think you will never be able to do anything in them, but someday.....

That was the butterfly I thought you were talking about...Linda does beautiful work....I wanna be like her!!

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When I bought my first machine (only had it about a month and was afraid of it) my very first class was with Karen. I was clueless. She is one of the best teachers. So kind and patient. Absolutely brillant. So generous with her knowledge. And funny too. You can\'t go wrong.

Good Luck


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