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What?? Me stressed?? Nah...

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I needed alittle ego boosting so I invited Lisa over to see if my quilts and patterns would really be good enough for Spring Market. Lisa is the owner of the quilt shop(one of the best shops) I work at 1 day a week. Apparently she thinks they are are and wants me to have a "Trunk Show" at the shop during Shop Hop!!!! AAAGGGGHHHH!! Don\'t get me wrong - I am thrilled! It is I consider quite the honor to be asked that-It\'s just that it moves my deadline up by 3+weeks!!! I think they will all be ready in time but I HAVE to have the website up before I release my patterns. I have the website address on them and only the welcome page is up!! I have to add the store etc....Yesterday I was thinking about everything I have left to do & I turned on the wrong street to get home!!LOL-I come here no matter how busy I am even if it is just to read and learn-I find it somewhat comforting to see what others are going through!

**Beth Durand and Linda Rech- I am mailing the info to you both today-I will high light my booth!! I hope to see you there!!

Sewhappy & just little nervous;)

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Good morning,

First, take a deep cleansing breath. Now, pass house duties on to someone else, that includes cooking and cleaning. Seek out volunteers for other stuff that people can do for you. We\'re all pulling for you, and I\'m feeling a small amount of your pain because of the stuff that I\'m doing for Wendy.

Our booth is miles away from you, but I\'m still going to come and track you down!


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Yes-I am delegating more than I usually do but at the same time I need a small break from sewing samples and writting patterns & I do love to cook! the cleaning tho was the first thing I passed on to the kids. LOL!! & DH is in charge of the technical stuf-


I really hope to meet you too at Market!


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