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NQR...Sweetie Related

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Here is a picture of my silly cat (Sweet Kitty)...she has recently become the sewing queen...its a good thing she has already lost her tail, I would have gotten it just a few minutes before I shot this. Just had to share...she is so content, and funny.


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Aren\'t animals funny?

I really shouldn\'t say this where everyone can read it, but when I finish a quilt, I drape it (I pin the top edge of it) to my longarm take up roller and a little across the floor so I can snap a photo of it. So, when I turn around, guess what... SOMEBODY (who happens to be a German Shepherd--or German Shedder as I fondly refer to) has to "test out" the quilt by sitting on it! Grrr! :mad:

Mom: "Hey! What are you doing sitting on that quilt! Get off of that thing! You know you\'re not supposed to do that!!!"

Shepherd: "But Mom! I have to see if it passes the strict standards of shepherd approval!"

Some people\'s kids... Huh! Every time...it never fails. What is it about these guys having to sit on my quilts?

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Originally posted by MCramer

Bonnie, are you going to MQS, animals sense that kind of thing. She\'ll be extra loving and cute, trying to keep you home!

No Mary, I\'m not....last night she slept on my head and today if I sat down she was in my lap or AS close as she could get to me while sewing....If I hadn\'t have pushed her hinny away from the back side of the machine she would have been the next thing in it....silly kid.

Shana...I know Sara doesn\'t try out the quilts, but she lays so close to the machine that when I sew I have to keep one eye out for what the needle is doing and the other one on the floor so I don\'t kick her and plan my steps so I can step over her.

Thanks God she isn\'t one that shoots up between your feet if you go to step over. We had a German Shepherd that flew up each time someone came close to him. It didn\'t help that he had been kicked so many times before he was 6 weeks old and was a scared mess when our friend got him, and then we got him.... none of us could ever get him to realize that NO ONE in our family was going to abuse him...Poor pupper.

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I have a kitty that could be your kitty\'s twin.. We found her on the side of the road 3/4 dead from hypothermia, starvation and fleas. Vet said she was about 4 weeks old. It was Halloween night. We named her Pumpkin. She has 2 orange spots. One on the back of her head and one on her back. Round orange spots and found on Halloween, couldn\'t call her anything else. She is 1 1/2 years old and still tiny. Weights about 6 pounds. Every cat we have ever owned turned out giagantic in size, except her. Could have named her Pixie or Fairy!:P

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I think it would be triplets...my kitty looks like Christi\'s and Bonnie\'s. Boo has a short tail too but with a kink in it. Unfortunately she has chronic kidney failure, but she is maintaining right now with meds and SQ fluids daily. She is 8 years old this April and finally decided she likes to be close and sit on laps.


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Cheryl....Sweetie lost her dignity in a hurricane in South Carolina about 3 years ago, and no one claimed her after the storm, so we really don\'t have any idea how old she is, although are guessing 5 to maybe 8. She was old enough to have had at least one batch of kittens, and has the fat pouch to show for that. So maybe only 3 when we got her.

I call her Sweet Kitty or Sweetie, because we really don\'t know her real name and I didn\'t want to confuse her more than she was already...and a nickname sounded better than calling her a name...and have her look as me like "You talking to me?"

We adopted her 2 years ago this 4th of July, but she lived in a kennel in upstate New York for a year after the volunteers put her back together. She had some major damage to her shoulders as well as back, and of course lost her tail. She has healed very well, and you wouldn\'t even guess that she had been so hurt if you couldn\'t see the scares in the shoulder area... the way she jumps from the floor to the cupboard where her food bowl is, doesn\'t even faze her now.... Can\'t leave the bowl on the floor, Sara thinks its candy time ;) when that happens.

Also, I too have to say we normally have HUGE cats...but this time this one only weighs about 12 pounds. Fido weighed well over 25 and Taloose almost 35, but those boys have gone to cat heaven...

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