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Happy Mothers Day to you all

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I must share my Mother\'s Day with my chatting friends - the only people who would understand how funny this is. DH went out and purchased my one request - a small compressor for Miss Millie. Well, this thing is as big as an overnight suitcase. With a wild look in his eyes I heard "I can use it to fill up the tires on my Jeep!!" The compressor is now packed back into it\'s box and is being returned. I\'ll go and find the compressor "I" wanted for Mothers Day. I think he heard compressor and decided a dual purpose would be served.

Men - and I am bringing him to Portland market with me. If you see us walking about, ask him how the compressor is.

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Hi Linda-

That is kinda like getting a new chain saw for Mother\'s Day! That is the joke around our house since a friend asked for one (a tiny electric one to trim the bushes) and received a herky monster that only a burly lumberjack could lift!

If you want to make your DH happy, tell him to keep the big compressor and for Father\'s Day you can buy him a tank that you fill with compressed air from the big compressor and then keep the filled tank in your studio. The fill-up lasts for a long time and you won\'t have a machine in the room to scare you when it turns on to refill. Also, he buys the big guy and you buy the much-less expensive tank. I like that division of costs!

My DH made me three pattern boards for Mom\'s Day. No chain saw in sight!

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Linda, what a great idea. He has a large compressor in his shop, does not need this new one! I will use the one in his shop for fill ups for my studio. You are good!

My ignorance is showing - what are your pattern boards like? Can you post a picture?

I hope to meet you in Portland market. Think I\'ll hang around the APQS booth to meet some longarmers on Friday.

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