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Can't post a picture

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Hi Jane. I can\'t post a picture either. I got one to post about 6 months ago but do you think I can do it again? NO!!!

I don\'t get any error message, however so I am sorry I can\'t help you with yours.


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Hi all,

There were some really good instructions posted on a thread a while back, do a search on Ramona Quilter (Linda Card) and you will find it. I cannot remember exactly what they were...something like the picture you are trying to post here has to be under a certain size and you attach it from the bottom of the post you are typing in ...click attachment and find it on your computer. I think the key is that the picture has to be under a certain size.

Hope that helps somewhat.

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There seems to be a great inconsistancy with what will post and when. Even when I resize pics and make sure they are jpg type often times try and try it just will not post. Other times they just go right on through. I wrote for help recently........................still waiting for any indication that anyone live who cares received the email.

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Up until recently I could go to the upper right hand corner of the page where it says "logged in as" and click on my name which would take me to the page where I could search through my previous postings and locate something I wanted to double check on. Now when I click there it takes me to a page that says

"500 - Internal server error.

There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed."

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I\'m not a computer person by nature, and the only way that I can post a picture is to have it "online" somewhere, then you use the blue reply button just above the quick reply box, go to the little button with a mountain in it, click on that, the by cutting and pasteing you can copy the http address into it from your web site. I use webshots (no charge for this either! )and when you click on a picture, there is a box on the right hand side that will allow you to reduce the size of the picture and then you determine which format you want it in, then just copy and paste the address into the address box of the mountain reply button. You can also use this for several pictures in one post. Once I learned this from Linda S, I have not had any problems posting pictures. Thanks again Linda S as you save me from pulling all these silver locks out for good! :)

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We must all have our little "tricks" to try to get a picture up to the chat! Usually we get them up--but when we can\'t, what a downer! So much enthusiasm - blocked! Oh well...that\'s the joy of technology! Jane

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I download photos from my digital camera to a file on Desktop.

They need to be re-sized to the smallest you can--mine are 640 x 480 pixels.

In a new topic you scroll down to Browse at the bottom and click on it. This will open a window for your files.

Find the saved, resized photo listing and click on it and click OK. This should add the photo to your post--I hope!

As everyone says, do not preview or you will lose the photo.

I don\'t know how to add a pic to one already posted, but to reply and add a photo, be sure to use the Reply icon in the blue box at the bottom of the post--next to Topic/Poll and not the quick reply where you just start typing your message in the box.

Seems like this should be easier, huh?

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