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NQR-Summer in the Northwest

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After an endless Fall/Winter/Spring ( that translates as Rain/Snow/Rain for you not familiar with our corner of the US!) our flowers were treated to 80-90 degree weather the last week and they all jumped at the chance to shine after holding off for so long. Enjoy. Here is a tree peony.


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OH....what lovely flowers....my Rhody\'s are just now opening up, but they don\'t have that great center that yours do....and my Peony has just now come out of the ground...so will send pictures when they bloom....

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Linda - your garden looks very healthy and beautiful. I say healthy because one of my rhodys leaves have some critter hav\'in lunch a little too often on it!! My peony\'s are still in buds, but my lilac\'s are almost done. The bulbs are pretty much finished except for a Japanese Iris that just opened today. Still waiting for other stuff to bloom too. I love the NW. We get so many different kinds of flowers to enjoy.

Mary Beth - I\'d be taking advantage of Linda\'s offer if I were you. That is if your visa isn\'t melted from last week. We would all love to see your smiling face again!:cool:

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Soooo tempting....let\'s see, 1 week was spent cleaning house, 1 week was spent having fun at MQS. This week I am ill with the bug everyone was passing around at MQS....Sometime I need to quilt. Someone said, "If your machine isn\'t running, you aren\'t making any money!" That phrase keeps echoing in my head!!:D

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Having been at quilt market here in Portland for the past week, I know what you mean about not making any money! Keep in mind that I came home every night. However, when I last noticed on Mother\'s day, I had a rose budded, but not quite open yet. When I noticed again on Sat. ithe bush was in full bloom. Yesterday, my "Recovery day", I noticed that all of my roses are blooming!

However, summer seems to have passed for now. I had left laundry on the line to dry last night, and woke to the sound of pouring down rain. I do love the rain though!


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Linda, what a wonderful garden you have. I had a Peony for about 5 years waiting...and waiting and then it finally croaked. It was silly of me to try in our weather.

But I did find some hardy Rhododendrons (Anna Kruschke) (sp?) that are good for our climate in shade. I got wonderful blooms last year on one in the ground (5 years old) and this year the potted on bloomed but got nothing on the one in the ground. I don\'t much care for the color (purplish red) but I love the form of the flowers. Are you supposed to cut those back at all?

And I have wonderful Wisteria on an arbor over the back yard gate. It really took off this year. Of course, the gophers will probably find it next year and that will be the end of it.

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Linda C - you don\'t necessarily cut back Rhody\'s but after the bloom has died, you snap/pick them off. Then next year the blooms will be able to come back.

Just a gardener\'s tip. That doesn\'t mean that I always do that, though as this year I found some that I missed from last year. Our new house has about 15 Rhody\'s and 6 or so azeleyas(sp) and they all need to be groomed after blooming - Yikes. I\'ll wait until we have a dry and not too hot day to do that!

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Beth, just think of the fabric softener you could have saved if you had only known your clothes would have had a rinse in rain:P

Linda, If I could figure out how to I would post my Wiseria, Isn\'t it just gorgeous this year. My only sadness is that all of the really beautiful things will be through blooming by the time of our get together. My roses developed polka dots while I was gone and probably won\'t have any leaves. Oh well, stems with blooms are good right?

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