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A personal invitation now that it is Summertime!!!

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With this Memorial weekend I hope we all remember what this "Holiday" is really about. Our small town is having a number of services all around and we are planning to attend.

This "Holiday" weekend also really starts the Summer vacation season-with that I would like to extend an invitation to you all that may be traveling through these parts to feel free to stop by on your way thru or back from Yellowstone, Glacier or even the Teetons! I am offering a respite from the long drives with fresh coffee, decadent desserts and fun conversations. ( I never get to make the desserts I want to unless we have company) Just call and l will give you directions. Reading thru this post it sounds like a commercial but it\'s not! Just offering a different rest stop - It\'s been fun meeting others from the chat! I\'ll even give you the skinny on the local quilt shops!!;););)


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Hi Sewhappy - What a generous offer. I don\'t think that we will be traveling that way this summer, but if we were, I\'d call - the decadent desserts are calling me, but alas, I\'ll just have to dream about them!!!:). what a good idea to meet the chatters!!:cool:

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Hi Sewhappy, Thanks for the invite and I will take you up on it. I have cousins and aunts and and uncle that live in Kalispel and haven\'t seen them in many yrs. They have been after me to come up there so I hope some time in the near future I will be going. So don\'t be surprised when I call.....I would love to meet you. The deserts sound great too!!!


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What a wonderful invitation! I won\'t be traveling near your area in any time soon, but I would love to visit one of these years. I have a cousin-in-law who is a park ranger and lives in a cabin in Whitefish. I\'ve never been able to visit him and his wife, but maybe I should think about it, and I could visit you, too. Did you say, " Bake desserts?" LOL

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I said DECADENT desserts-some are baked, (Triple chocolate cheesecake, turtle cheesecake,etc & I just found a recipe for chocolate chocolate chocolate cake with praline frosting!) Then of course there are ice cream desserts that I love!! Mud pie, carmel chocolate pie, white chocolate mouse in homemade chocolate bowls, and one of my favorites is "Not Yo Mama\'s Banana Puddin\' ". Oh yeah assorted bread puddings!! My family will only eat a little bit so I cannot make my favorites unless I have company! Now I am getting hungry. I made an angel cake with fresh strawberries and fresh whipping cream last nite-Thats what the family likes the best here, I guess I will have some of that!!


What\'s the name of DH\'s aunt and uncle? Does she quilt? I wonder if she or both have been in the shop? or even if we are neighbors??


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Judy and Donald Mathre(Dale...DH has two Uncles that married Judys...so I get confused as to which one is in Bozeman but I am pretty sure it is Donald). I don\'t think she quilts and if I remember rightly she may be a past mayor of Bozeman(? not sure, but I think she was active in city goverment). He was a Professor in the Agricultural department for many, many years.


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