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OH MY GOSH! ITS MY BEST FRIEND SOCALGAL. You must have known, I was just thinking about you earlier! I was going to call you out but I didn\'t want to scare you! Thanks to your post, I can stalk you legitimately! (OK, I\'ll get a life now, and check out your quilt and if I am able, I\'ll thoughtfully provide quilting suggestions).



You remember me, right?

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I love that people think feathers are feminine, as I\'m sure that boy ducks would heartely disagree.

Anyway, I think that cross hatching in the white part, large scale like SID width and through the center of the pieces, both ways would look cool. I like the flame aspect too (boyish) but maybe with respect to the color changes in the blue. So, go from light to less light, one color, flame from corner to point, and move out, two or three times. The other options would be to continuous curve in the blue parts. Did you take the border class from Deloa Jones. Her pineapple tops in the outer borders would look great too.

Its a beautiful top, I can\'t wait to see the finished project!

Oh, SoCalGal!, I\'ve missed you.


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I saw a quilt at MQX that was done by one of the instructors. It was a lone star with applique in the corners. She did flames in the star. I think that would look amazing on this quilt. If this interests you I\'ll look up the instructor and get the name of the quilt.

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I was thinking about you yesterday too....I was thinking that you had forgotten all about us...Kind of outta sight outta mind kinda of thing. So happy to see you posting.

How could you forget Donna, isn\'t she the one who pinned that name on you?

Awesome quilt. I have no ideas....but it is awesome. I do like the idea of flame-like quilting. Can\'t wait to see the finished product.

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