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size of Pantographs

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I am new here. I have only had my machine a month but I played on my friends machine several times. I am starting on Pantographs. I enjoy them and they make the quilting go pretty fast. My question is -- what is the largest size panto I can use on my Millie? My friend has designed some that are 18" wide and I am having trouble making it work.



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Sorry to see that no one answered you here, so I'll tell you what I found out. I buy the size that I like to see stitched out. Does that make sense? I have a few 12" pantos, but don't care for them once I've stitched them. To me, they leave too much room. I write small and figure that is why I like a tighter panto. The only time I buy bigger pantos is if the detail needs to show up better. Like I have a butterfly panto that I bought in a bigger size because you wouldn't be able to stitch the details in the wings as well and then it would be lost in such a tiny space. Most of my pantos are around 7 to 8 inches per row, and then the nest into each other. I have just learned this over time and it is only my opinion, but I thought it might be of some help to you.

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I do alot of panto here in my area,,, that is what my quilters like,,since the gas prices are up here in my area,,,

,,,I am like Kelly the 7 and 8 inch are best for me,,, I try to pick the enterlock and they are a tigher design,,,

They are some great ones out there,,,I just order 7 new ones from

Intelligentquilting.com they are very easy to do check out there website...course they are a lot others out there too,,

Hope this is some help


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Chris, this is what I do. I take into consideration the quilt size. If I have a queen size quilt, I am not going to want to use a 5 inch panto. I could, I'm sure, but to me it seems small for a quilt that size so I choose something larger. If I have a baby quilt, then I would use a small panto because it would be more in proportion. Hope that helps a little.

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