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I keep getting requests for donations for quilt guilds who want these items for door prizes... I don't even know these people or places... I know it's because they have visited my website and think I just have samples laying around... I'm not offended, but:

What would you do?

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Very kindly state that you dont' have quilts to donate...but if they have a quilt that they need quilted that maybe you could do that...but only one....then after that you charge a discounted price.

If you do it and don't lay the rules down up front...you will get calls each time this guild needs something free and you will NEVER get a paying quilt from them.

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I would thank them for the opportunity, but explain how busy you are. Offer to quilt their quilt for them, at a discounted rate. Do your prettiest fast edge to edge design on whatever they bring you, and include lots of business cards and brochures in the package when they pick it up. If you want to refer some of them to me I might see if it will bring me any business.

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Bobbi, I had something similar to this happen to me at work. One of the attorneys in my office asked me if I would be willing to make a bunch of quilts to give away for some sort of event. I said I would think about it and let her know. I thought about it and instead went home and went through my many bins of fabric and put together two garbage bags of fabric [good size pieces] and brought them to work and put them on her chair with a note saying I did not have time to make any quilts, but that she can give the fabric to the other women she found to make the quilts. I never even got a "thank you" from her or anything.

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Since I recently gave away a few thousand dollars in fabric to a charity guild, I really have no plans to give anymore... Don't get me wrong, I have given sooo much of my time to different organizations, groups, etc. in my life, I know it sounds awful, but right now I'm tapped out. I was always asked to be the "chair" of sooo many committees and how often there was criticism from someone who never did anything. I finally decided I've given enough stuff for free. My time, my supplies, my fabric, use of my home, my vehicle, my gas, my food, and more! Ok, goodness. Guess I better stop the rant - I know people always want something for nothing they just have to find a willing "victim". (sic?)

AND I should say that the guild I gave so much fabric to have almost ALL sent wonderful thank you's! that's heartwarming! I know it will all go to good use!

Theresa, I will copy their (the guilds) emails and send them to you via email...

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I can't remember where I read this (I think Karen McTavish stated it in one of her books--I have them all...). She says, for a quick, fast, and nice project to donate, quilt up a freehand wholecloth. You can do something that's pretty, unique and fast in a matter of hours, and best of all, no piecing required.

(PS: This is a great way to PPP your freehand feathers, fillers, etc.)

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Bobbi, I got your email and I will contact her. Also, thank you so much for the little package that came in yesterday's mail. It is so cute. I'm not sure what I will do with it yet, but I love it.

Sandra, It is still here and still for sale, but might as well use it until it is sold.

Shana, that's a great idea. I may try that.

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