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on the frame

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Well it's Monday morning, and after 30C; thats 90F for normal people, for the past week it looks like it might finally rain. YAHOOOOOOO!:) The house has finally cooled off, and I can enjoy my cuppa early this morning.

I am getting ready to take off for a week, and I have a question about the top I have loaded on the frame. What issues will I create if I leave it on the frame??????? Loosened off of course. There is no way I can finish it before I go. Should I just take it off, and repin when I get back. Of course I don't have zippers, YET!

Thanks for your help!

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Kerry there isn't anything you need to worry about, by leaving a quilt on the frame while you are gone....as you stated loosen up the rollers, and you are good to go.

Have a great trip and be refreshed and ready to go when you get home, as you will have a quilt already waiting for you.

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Thanks Bonnie, one less thing to worry about getting done before I go. You know how that goes!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It takes two weeks to get ready to go, making sure everything is caught up, you go for a week, just starting to relax and then it is time to go home, where there is two weeks worth of work waiting for you to get caught up on. How does that work!! Somethimes being in business for yourself really sucks! Thanks for the info.

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Jolene, I didn't think to unplug her, what a disaater that could have been. Thanks.

Bonnie & Heidi; We have had the hottest summer, no rain. Everything looks burnt right up, I would gladly have traded some of your rain for our dry heat. They are calling for rain all week, so that will at least freshen things up. Now it probably won't quit raining!!!! No pleasing some people, is there!

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What good advice from everyone. One more that I learned the hard way...many, many years ago I sent a quilt away to be hand quilted. When it was returned several months later, it was obvious that the quilter had kept her quilting frame near a window. There was fading in part of the quilt and a straight line between the faded and the unfaded parts. So if your machine is near a window, just another reason to use a muslin over the quilt that's on the frame.

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I wonder if I am one of a few who unplug my machine when I finish each day. We have thunderstorms at night sometime and I am afraid , even with a surge protector, to leave it plugged in. You have had some good advice that I also will be able to use. Thanks for asking the question.


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