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NQR - Its raining! YAHOOOOOO1

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It has been so long since we had we had any rain, middle of May, that I wasn't sure if that's what was happening. I had to go out side to make sure. Yup, that rain! So it started raining a couple days ago, the temp dropped down to 10C, that 50F in normal places, and hasn't quit yet. I'm not complaining, we really need the moisture. I'm getting ready to take off for a week, and this stops any chores outside that needed to be done before I leave, like mowing 5 acres of grass, or painting that mile of new board fence! It actually cut my to do list in half!!!! And I think I can sneak in some extra quilting time before I go.

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Last weekend the temperature was three digits, and now it's raining. My barn will have to wait. My "little distractions" are napping right now so I'm up here chatting. You'd think I'd be working on some UFO or something? Nooooooooo It's so addicting to see what's going on in your world.;)

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