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Need advice on how to repair small hole while cutting trapunto

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Hi Shana, nice to see you are quilting on the weekend, my day has been in the veg garden picking and then the kitchen peeling, blanching and freezing greenbeans, chopping tomatoes and making salsa and slicing peppers for sausage & peppers which is cooking and will get frozen in batches too!;)

As to your snip, I've used a small piece of fusible web tucked under and ironed. The snipped area will be stitched over so it shouldn't show when the quilt is finished. I like the Steam a Seam lite for these problems.

Good luck and post a pic when it's all done!:cool:

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Where you are on the outside of the actual trapuntoed area this will be covered up with your background fill....the suggestions that have already been made are good ones, but if you don't get a big enough piece in there...the needle could knock it out. I use a product called 007 Bonding Agent or Bo-Nash


You should be able to get it at your quilting store, but if they don't have it ask them to order you some....AND if that can't/doesn't happen, let me know and I will send you some. The starter kit will last you YEARS....trust me, I still have the same bottle I started out with 10 years ago.

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Thanks for the advice. I'll try the Steam A Seam Lite (I have some) and if that doesn't work, I'll get some of Bonnie's Bo Bash bonding agent stuff. It's a tiny hole so maybe that will work. I should get some of the bo bash stuff for the future in case I need it in an emergency. I'm a klutz so no doubt I'll surely be cutting or ripping something bigger in another project.

Originally posted by kimmiequilts

Hi Shana, nice to see you are quilting on the weekend,

Yah, go ahead and make me feel guilty...;) DH is out of town this week, so I'm being a bum... Actually, it's a gorgeous sunny day outside, so why am I inside on the puter? ok You got me motivated now.. I'm gonna go grab the furkids and go for a walk in the woods nearby and enjoy some fresh air. :cool:

Originally posted by Boni

(And I won't say a thing when I see it at MQS 2009.

LOL! That's funny!! :P

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Hey Butler! Yuppers....I most definitely chalk this one up as yet another Butler Stunt... :P Not the first, definitely not the last stunt... so many stunts and not enough Butlers to do them all... ROFLOL! But I think between you & me we can cover a majorty of the "stupid yet very funny" stunts. At least we can laugh at ourselves, eh??

Love ya, my sista!

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Hi Shana, ditto all the suggestions about using a very fine iron-on interfacing behind the nick and then covering it with micro stippling. I did this years ago to a large wall hanging which went on to win the longarm class at a UK show and then (my best EVER quilting moment) got a Teacher Ribbon from Karen McTavish.

Hmm, just re-read that and it sounds like I am bragging which I'm not trying to do. The point I am trying to make is that you can cover up a little snip and it won't harm the final quilt. Look forward to seeing the quilt when it is done.

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