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My Back yard

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I'm glad you sent the picture. Now I don't have to think tall buildings and endless freeways when I see the location is New York.

Here are our wild turkeys (vultures):D

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Originally posted by Stagecl

Love those turkeys...not to eat...just to watch! You are lucky to have such a great view.


I agree...just to watch....wild turkey's are more dark meat than white...that is a hybird thing that has been breed into the eating turkey the big breast meat. I have heard that wild turkeys are like eating a whole turkey of drumsticks, but I really don't have a need to want to find out....I just enjoy them. And yes , I do have a great view from up on my hill...whomever owned it first de-treed the whole 4 acres, so I can see and not have to mess with or not have a view...love my spot on the hill.

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