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Circle Lord or Topper

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I bought the CL first & absolutely love it!!!!!!! As one who has had her LA only 2 months and really wanted to accomplish something now, and the CL has been a savior!!!! But I also love to work from the front of the machine. The Topper to me is an accessory to the CL (a different way to use their smaller templates) but because it comes with more than one stylus, you can use templates from CL as well as other companies. I would not want one without the other overall, but if you can afford just one at this point, the Topper might provide more options. On the other hand, if you really want the full bed templates (ie. 7 Treasures), I would get started with the CL. and just start collecting. CL does have the best payment plan out there - 12 months & no interest - the reason I got started. You can do so many things with the smaller templates from CL, it will take me forever to try them all out.

I am afraid I haven't really answered your question but hopefully provided some things to think about.

PS - Michael (CL) & Linda (the Topper) are both angels and wonderful to work with. You might want to call each of them and make sure what you want for your Lenni is available. I have a Millie so am not sure about the setup for the Lenni. Good luck and Merry Xmas early!!

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Dumb question here, but what the heck is a Topper? I hear you all talking about it, but don't know what it is:P As for Circle Lord, I love this thing!! Meg is right: the payment plan with CL is really good and Michael and Kay give such great customer service. I recently posted a question on Circle Lord and Kay called me on the phone to answer me! I was so impressed with that and told everybody in my family:D I know this doesn't answer your question, but just had to chime in here:cool:

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I really should get out more!;) I had never heard of "The Topper" but after looking at the website and some of the boards available from R&S, I've ordered The Topper and four boards. Now I have another reason to sit on my front porch and wait for that good looking UPS man! :o

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