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Starting over......

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The other day I was trying to log in to this chat forum on my laptop but couldn't remember my password. (I am always logged in on my desktop so I never have to use my password). After trying the various passwords I usually use, I looked in all my secret places to see if I could find where I had noted what my password was for this forum. No luck.

When I came back to my desktop, I found that I had been logged off. Big grrrrr! I sent an email to APQS asking them to let me know what my password is (there is a place where you can request such info) but I haven't heard from them yet (other than Heidi letting me know someone would get back to me soon....)

What I ended up doing so I could post here was to re-register with a slightly different user name and my other email address. That's fine but now I have no fun signature, no sig line with all my webshots info, etc and no pink OHIO STAR avatar!

I am slightly into the starting to forget how to stuff age so doing all that fun stuff again is a pain!

OK, rant over. Sorry for being so long..... I will figure it all out again when I have time. Just know that I am still me, even if I'm plain for a while.

Laurie G.


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I keep all my info in a paper address book.. name I sign in under, password, what email addy I use, when I joined.. sometimes.. etc.. it's saved my bum many times.. but, it did not work on here.. never could get my original name & password to work after I deleted cookies.

Good luck, marybeth and you.. lol..


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