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Quilt EZ

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There's a whole section/forum down in the gadgets and goodies forum.

I have the Quilt-EZ system and I really like it. It's very simple to use and less expensive than the CL system. It's not quite as versatile as the CL system though.

I just finished 3 quilts using the baptist fan template. I'll try to post a picture here. If it doesn't work, they're on my blog www.heyyouquilter.blogspot.com


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There are lots of opinions out there...be sure to do your homework as with any tool you purchase.

If you go back and read the posts over time you will find one from me saying almost exactly what you are saying about the CL. I didn't think I could afford it either.

At that time I owned the HF and was determined to use it....although I failed miserably. Kudos to those ladies that are successful with the HF, you are doing wonderfully with it and I for one would love to see more pictures posted of your work with the HF. I finally admitted defeat and sold my HF and took the plunge. I am so glad I did.

The CL does seem to cost more, but the templates can be used for so many different patterns...the King Zig Zag alone has 12 or more patterns on one template. The Swirls template looks good on just about any quilt you put it on, and the 7 Wonders template has unlimited possiblities. And keep in mind, like many of us are doing, we purchase what we can afford for one year's worth of payments, then pay it off and purchase some more. Just a thought.

Don't rule out the CL, talk to other quilters. Like Holly, who loves her EZ, there are those out there who wouldn't trade what they have for anything.

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Going to chime in here. I have the CL and love it, love it, but I also use the topper and R&S boards. I can use my CL templates on the topper by clamping them down. but wouldn't trade my long boards from CL for anything. they all have their place and use. I don't think you can go wrong no matter which you end up with.

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I forgot to say that I have some R&S boards too. They work just as well and cost a little less. I've been toying with the idea of having R&S make me a custom pattern board. I need to check out what it will cost. I would really love to have one of those automated router type machines to make my own templates.

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