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I know you all like a challenge but here is one you all can do and get blessed also. I challenge you all to phone your local Salvation Army and schedule to ring the bell to fill the kettles. I myself have been doing this for years now and I have made it away to give of myself in a much needed way. My Grandmother passed away when I was not yet in Kindergarden and she rang the bell INSIDE the Woolsworth Dept. store in San Francisco. I want to carry on the tradition in her honor. i get folks to share the experience and they never forget the Christmss they rang the bell. Many lives are touched by our generous volunteering. And helped all year long. Won't you consider ringing the bell this year.? It's not too late to sign up. Think about it.

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Bless your heart for continuing this tradition for your grandmother. My personal charity is the Portland Police Sunshine Division. My father was with City of Portland until he retired on disability (motorcycle dissolved underneath him at 70MPH), and a friend was killed in the line of duty with Portland as well. I've got a quilt to go to them ready right now, and they will also be receiving the guilts that I make from the block exchange.

What's your charity?

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My oldest son will be ringing for is Troop. They do a lot of community service (eagle projects to cleaning up a stretch of highway 2 times a year).

Scouting is our number one charity organization right now. Our troop is very blessed so we work with several special needs troops to ensure that they have camping activities and other great fun thru the year.

Rob is Den leaders for my younger son. Rob is a great leader for these kids. It was cute when we moved to the midwest, it took the moms a while to warm up to him, as he is the at home parent and I work. After 7 years, he is den dude, and they trust their chicks with the papa hen.

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Health conditions prevent me from ringing the bell. I did donate 21 quilts to Haven house for Battered people and families in crisis as well as Family Crisis another unit serving the same people. I also make and donate, as well as quilt for others, Quilts of Valor which go to military personell who have become ill in any way, or injured in Iraq and Afghanistan Wars. I have 5 done since Sept. and have 5 more sitting here waiting to be quilted. We also drop lots of change and bills in the buckets.


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I support my local fire brigade, we are all volunteers with no paid firefighters at our station at all. I help out around the station with fire reports etc, and am on the auxiliary to help with fundraising and catering. I recently finished training as a FEM (Fire Equipment Maintenance) Officer which means I can now service and install fire extinguishers, hose reels, and fire blankets in the businesses in our area on behalf of the brigade. And I am about 1 week away from completing my basic training to be a volunteer fire fighter - very exciting yet terrifying at the same time :)

I feel a bit bad sometimes though as I feel I get so much more out of it in terms of self confidence and a sense of belonging than what I put in!

Susan in Australia

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