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Silk Quilts

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You asked about quilting on silk. I had watched an episode of Simply Quilts years ago so jumped into the deep end and tried making a silk quilt for the Hoffman Challenge. Below is a photo of Sunday Kind of Love which took second place ribbon in 2008 HC Mixed Technique.

I used Hobbs Silk batting and washed it as per the instructions and just let it air dry on a towel as it shrinks a little bit.

Tried using YLI 100 weight silk thread by Diane Gaudinski and it stitched for quite a bit on a sample, then kept breaking. Tried everything to get it to work out but couldn't. Even smoothed out the hook with some super fine paper since this is the area where the thread broke, not the needle or the tension areas.

Used Super Bob's bobbins with So Fine on the top and it looked beautiful. I did like the silk better so maybe some day I'll work it out. Contacted YLI and they said that Diane uses it on her DM and didn't know of anyone who used it on a longarm. Ricky uses it on a DM also.

Longarm quilting on the silk ran like butter. No broken thread or tension problems with the silk back, silk batting, and silk top to do all the cross hatching in the background of this quilt.

Then put the quilt on my DM and used Madiera's Monopoly invisible thread to do a very slight zigzag stitch around all the flowers which were silk. Used YLI silk on the pot in green. Attached the vine and leaves in invisible. Doily stitching radiating lines were in a blue YLI.

Binding was in silk brocade and would have made it wider if I had had time to work out the details but my back was against the wall on the deadline finishing it at 6:00 am on the day before the deadline. Whew!

Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck with your silk project.



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You asked about quilting on silk. I had watched an episode of Simply Quilts years ago so jumped into the deep end and tried making a silk quilt for the Hoffman Challenge. Below is a photo of Sunday Kind of Love which took second place ribbon in 2008 HC Mixed Technique.

I used Hobbs Silk batting and washed it as per the instructions and just let it air dry on a towel as it shrinks a little bit.

Tried using YLI 100 weight silk thread by Diane Gaudinski and it stitched for quite a bit on a sample, then kept breaking. Tried everything to get it to work out but couldn't. Even smoothed out the hook with some super fine paper since this is the area where the thread broke, not the needle or the tension areas.

Used Super Bob's bobbins with So Fine on the top and it looked beautiful. I did like the silk better so maybe some day I'll work it out. Contacted YLI and they said that Diane uses it on her DM and didn't know of anyone who used it on a longarm. Ricky uses it on a DM also.

Longarm quilting on the silk ran like butter. No broken thread or tension problems with the silk back, silk batting, and silk top to do all the cross hatching in the background of this quilt.

Then put the quilt on my DM and used Madiera's Monopoly invisible thread to do a very slight zigzag stitch around all the flowers which were silk. Used YLI silk on the pot in green. Attached the vine and leaves in invisible. Doily stitching radiating lines were in a blue YLI.

Binding was in silk brocade and would have made it wider if I had had time to work out the details but my back was against the wall on the deadline finishing it at 6:00 am on the day before the deadline. Whew!

Let me know if you have any more questions. Good luck with your silk project.



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PS I think you will be surprised at how such a thin batting makes such a nice poof. The light shines on the silk and gives it a very pretty reflectance. The bottom background is actually two different but very close colors of silk as I used two fat quarters for this part, the doily, the pot, the greens. Bought the pinks at Mood Fabrics in Los Angles (great fabric store for clothing and costumes).

Hoffman Challenge fabric is in the doily valentines, the triangles, the tassels on the pot, and all the trellis leaves.

The secret to getting the cross hatching so pretty and even is that I mounted the quilt on a 45 degree angle with muslin triangles, put it on my Millennium, had a large piece of silk for the back from drapery department of local Fabric Depot, then used channel lock with precise measurements to get the lines even. I was sweating the evenness of the lines as I went around the flowers and had to end up with one inch squares when I met up with the place where I began so had to keep track of all the marks on paper and keep checking as I came to the close which was at the bottom center of the quilt. The back ended up on the 45 degree angle but looks very nice because of the slub silk thread texture. Lots of starts and stops though.


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I'm no expert but I did a silk wholecloth for my granddaughters christening in September. I had more problems marking the quilt than quilting it. It quilted like butter. I used sew fine on top and bottom and Hobbs Poly Down for batting. I did wash the fabric before marking so I wouldn't have the problem of shrinkage. I will use it again.

I do not know how to post pictures but you could go to my blog http://wishbonelane.wordpress.com/2008/09/ to see it.

Judy in MO

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I have done 1 silk quilt DWR custom. I used cotton backing, cotton thread or you may use silk if you can get it,but don't know how it sews. I liked quilting it after I got going as I to was afraid of it. Sews nice. BUT, if you have to frog must frog from the back as it will pull easy. Don't pull too tight as you roll forward. Have fun, I know it will look nice. If I can post the picture I will try. Haven't posted pictures since changes made to forum.

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Thanks so much for the information. Vicki, your quilt is beautiful. Nita I can't imagine a DWR in Silk, but it is wonderful. What size needle did you use when quilting on the long arm? less than an 18? Guess I will keep my fingers cross that no frogging is required. I am going to give it a try with bottom line...I think.

Thanks again for the help:D

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Thank You for your compliments. Yes I did use 16 needle I forgot to say before. Just don't use poly as it may cut threads. This was my 1st custom quilt. The piecer is a very great seasoned piecer. Love her to death. I have 5 more quilt tops for her to quilt before X-Mas. Turn your radio on and rock.;)

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