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Red ran in wash...1st ever with red

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What a disappointing weekend...I just know there's a reason things go as they do sometimes...

The trim paint job I started yesterday isn't looking as good as I'd envisioned...long story and I'm over it. And now a housewarming gift quilt for my best friend...I washed it because the batt was so linty and it had picked up the Corgi's shedded coat while I was binding it. It's black/red/white. I've always pre-washed my fabrics because of a green that bled and ruined a quilt...back in the 70s. And I've never had it happen since.

It's too late to do anything about it now, I'm sure. I had purchased some color catchers years ago when I first heard of them, but I've completely forgotten about them (hmmm, wonder if they even made it through the move). Only few of the fabrics picked it up...seems the ones with a heavier hand.

Oh well. He'll understand and still love it. I'll just tell him the almost not noticeable pink is my subtle reference to his orientation. :-)

Just looking for empathy from people who can understand...and if there are any miracles out there to fix it...I know this is the place to learn of them!

Back to taxes...now that should make me feel better. :o


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Hi Anita,

All is not lost! Re-wash using the Color Catchers if you can find them and also find some Synthrapol. It is a solution used by hand-dyers to remove excess dye from fabric. It is sold in most quilt shops or on-line. It will work miracles! After you treat the quilt and get the red out (!) give the rest of the Color Catchers to him for use when he launders the quilt. Good luck!

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No way! Thank you Linda...

I did find the color catchers and have Synthrapol...what I bought it for I'm not sure. As soon as this load is finished I'm going to pop it in again. Can't believe I actually have what I need...I see light in the darkness. :D


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Thought I'd let you know how it turned out. Most of it came out...but not all. I didn't let it soak very long...maybe I'll give it a another try.

Thanks everyone for the input. It is upsetting...wish it had been my own quilt. Lesson learned...bet I'll do things differently now. I'm surprised this is the first time it's happened...I've been lucky, haven't I?

Tomorrow is another day...


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Another thing to bear in mind is if colours do run, keep them damp until you can try to remove them. I know it won't help this time, but it does make the run much easier to get out. I dump things in a bath of cold water while I sort out supplies to fix it.

I am so glad to hear most of the pink has gone. Hopefully you will never need this knowledge again.


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Thanks all. Yes...I decided to soak it in synthrapol again today while I'm at work. It can't hurt. All in all, it doesn't look that bad..at least the whites that drew it in did so evenly. So the color just looks off.

At least it's a quilt to be used, not hung or put away in a closet. It just got a head start on looking used.

I'm trying to put on a happy face, aren't I?


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Just had the same thing happen to me. I have been a coward about doing anything.

I have the sheets and the Synthrapol. The Synthrapol instructions require that you use hot water. I am afraid if I do that I will have a pink quilt. Soooooooooooooo I hesitate.

Please let us know the results of what ever you do!

Ginny S

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I just finished a quilt for my son-in-law's mother. She had embroidered 12 blocks and I made them into a quilt for our GD Leah. I pretested the blue markings on her block to make sure they would come out. After finishing the whole thing I put it in the washer for a cold soak. Well after 6 hours of soaking they were still there and I was about to go into panic mode. So I started rubbing the marks with my finger and they faded so I decided to "agitate" the quilt. Ended up agitating 3 times before all the blue came out. You would think the company that prints these would come up with something that isn't so much trouble to get out when you're done.

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And the results are: I soaked the quilt all day in the bath with Synthrapol. Though the (2) white fabrics that had retained the color that bled did not totally come clean, they are definitely better. And to tell the truth, the other fabrics seem to look better too. It definitely didn't hurt to soak it again.

Thanks all for the help...


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I just washed my quilt today (finally got the courage) used the color catcher first then synthrapol. it came out beautifully! Doing the happy dance. Thank you all for your good advice. I had never heard of the color catcher thingy's. Wonderful. I am the one that had the red leach onto the white of my quilt.

Ginny Snowden

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Here in the USA, they are also by the detergents. They are made by Shout, and come in a 4 x 6 box (approx). In y grocery store they are above the detergents with the other stain removers.

And Ferret is right, use more than one on a quilt that has not been washed. I used 2 on a double bed quilt that had batiks in purple and red. It came out beautiful!!

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I, for one, will use them from now on!

I gave my friend the quilt...he was ecstatic. I hadn't decided how to present it, but we had been talking about all the challenges I was presented over the weekend. I then pulled out the box of Color Catchers with a ribbon around it and waited for the confusion to peak before I presented the quilt.


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