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60's treasure all quilted with Swirls

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I have given myself a new name. I am a Quilt angel. It is also the only kind of angel I might hope of being. Ha Ha I really love finishing these vintage quilts. I think the maker might be up in heaven looking down and saying "Oh my quilt is done". Now I know I'm silly but it sure feels good. some of these treasures look so sad and forlorn but when they are finished they seem to take on a new life.


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I'm so happy it's found a home with you... I'm not sure how to say this, but I could never sleep under that! It almost hurts my eyes here in the pic! LOLOLOLOL You go girl!

Also, if it's from the '60s, I was a teenager then... I guess that means I'm vintage too! hmmmmm.....

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