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Linda - these are on their way to your house

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So Cute. With this one, the four cat that Cheryl made, the monkey patches that Bobbi made and a kids top that I'm working on with Teddy Bears, at least 4 kids quilts will be heading their way to our friends in Australia. Meg I love the fabric that you used in the "plain" patch.What a great blender in a kids quilt.


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Diane - went through my stash & that one really seemed to work with the fish and blue fabric. Wish I had had more of each of the fabrics - would have made a larger quilt - this one is only 51 x 51. But in the end it is amazing what we can come up with when digging through what we already have ....LOL

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Linda, I will be sending a box to you on Monday also. I did two kid tops with bindings cut and ready to go. Plus a few adult blocks and a few more kid blocks. I had fun doing these. It is nice at times to do something less stressful. I feel like I am under so much pressure at times, so it nice to de-stress on something that someone special will appreciate. I will also add in some extra money for postage. Judy

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What a lovely quilt, some little person will really love snuggling under that one.

The first tops and blocks should arrive early this week from some of our Australian ladies with the tops and blocks coming from overseas in the next few weeks. We have had another local lady offer to help quilt them too. I'll make sure they are all photographed and pictures posted so we can all enjoy a slideshow of them before they go to their owners,

Best wishes

Sue in Australia

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My heart goes out to all of you. You live in such a wonderful and beautiful country. My husband & I have both been there - actually my husband has been many times on business - he is always saying that his favorite city is Sydney. We are lucky that our friends down there are safe as are their families. I am glad I could do just a little something. When I picked out the fish fabric, I thought of all your beautiful beaches & the Great Barrier Reef where I went scuba diving - such a tremendous experience and great memories!!!!

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