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Say Hi to Bonnie

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I just got up gang and yes its 6:52 PM....I hate it when I sleep a WHOLE day away, but needed to.

Okay you all were great last night, the laughs came at just the right times to keep me awake.

I have 2 more weeks of this and then I can say I did it.

THE EXPLAINATION:....I have signed up (for pay mind you) to be a lab rat....yep an actual rat. They had me totally wired for brain waves and such. (took an hour to get the goo out of my hair before I could go to sleep) It is for a lighting research center in the area they are doing a project and needed "RATS" and I signed up. I had to be at the center on Friday at 7:00 am and wasn't able to leave till 9:00am this morning Satruday..and wasn't able to sleep the entire time. It was hard..we had to sit in a chair not move around much and not really able to talk to others. I did have my Blackberry and could read emails and the forum, for entertainment, but wasn't able to read, as I had planned to do or do any hand work because of the darkness.

I was emailing back and forth to Heidi during the day and evening until she crashed on me..the party pooper, but you guys kept me going during the breaks we were allowed and trust me it did help.

The reference to the "Cheese" was where I told Heidi I felt like a rat, I did my trick and they gave me a piece of cheese to appease me...the cheese was a huge danish....yummo... The hardest part there wasn't any caffine allowed during this study...danish without tea....bad manners.

The next two Fridays will be the rest of the study so wish me luck...it will be worth it when done...because MQX here I come with my new found money.:P

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Bonnie glad to see you are awake. Bonnie and I were on the phone one day and an email came through to me that had a request for "subjects for our Lighting Research Center." I told Bonnie about and forwarded her the email. I was worried she would hate me for telling her about it but you know since they pay you and she was wanting some spending cash for MQX so it worked out!!!!! Too bad they don't allow visitors, I would have come down and played cards with you. No caffine would kill me!

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I'm just reading this now. So Bonnie, I'm glad you were able to stay awake for the study. I did a sleep study a few years ago and had those things clipped to my hair and all the gluey stuff. It was a PITA, but I only had to do it 2 nights.

So, good luck with the rest of the study, and what an interesting way to earn extra cash for MQX. I'll see you in a few weeks. :)

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Interesting way to make some $$$ for our tools, thread, etc that we all think we need. Good idea. But I don't think I could stay awake all night, I'd be nodding off sitting straight up..... Glad you are back Bonnie. Hope you can sleep tonight.:)

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Hey, I'm usually one of those..."I'll do anything once" types....but I have to say this is the easiest money I've made in a long time. Hard to a point....I'm out of practice of all nighters...but easy because I got to play computer games and just sit and be quiet. No manual labor or standing on my feet for hours and hours.

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What a sport! and here I was thinking the worst. I should know better. Let us know ahead of time and we'll do the all night thing with you. Next Friday I'll be at DD while DH and SIL go hunting. We could have a girls night out. Talk about jokes, just you wait.:P

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I was telling my daughter about this last night and she says, "wow mom you didn't tell me I could do that!" She is often awake all night and she says she could really throw a wrench into their study. She has a history of seizures and the last EEG she had said she still had abnormal brain activity but now she jokes about it. She said she would add value to their study and they could add value to her wallet! Too funny.

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You mean I can't pass the 18-25 catagory anymore. Bummer I act like I'm 12 most of the time, doesn't that count for something?:cool:

AND Heidi...I hear the Blood research ones are even better paying....2X-3X more....hate needles, but for that price I can be had.

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I hadn't heard about the blood draw ones being better paying. Mmmm they may really earn their money if Jen does it. She has horrible veins and it has taken even the best 45 minutes to get her to bleed. That time they ran her arms under hot water for 20 minutes! Needless to say she doesn't like needles!

Hey here is a thought if it is 15 - 30 then you can send Siana and you can have the whole day to quilt! At least you would know what she was up to!

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