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I am sure to have a great time at Shei's with her and Myrna!!!!! My first ever classes and I can hardly wait! I will bring some Chocolate chip cookies my daughter makes...........just in case we need a mid afternoon pick me up! I also have another quilt on the frame and have done the SID and free motion in the blocks but can't decide the borders...........hmm maybe I'll bring pics and pick some one's brain!!!

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Julia, I can hardly wait. I am so excited and I am ready to get out of here for a change and do something for me! I have been so busy quilting for others.......panto's mostly and I really want to do something different but just can't find the time to practice on my own. I am not complaining about the money heaven knows we need it but I sure could use a couple hours to try something different . Know what I mean? I feel like I am in a rut and can't get out:o

I know we will have a ball. Myrna is so much fun and Sheri is going to be a hoot as well. Just talking on the phone with her you can tell she is full of energy and just plain full of it.......:D:D

I can't wait to meet you and who ever else is going to be there, we will have a good time. See you Wed.

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FULL OF IT?!!! Laughing my buns off Renea! It's going to be a blast. I can feel it in my bones!

I just got off the phone w/Julia. She's such a sweetie pie for bringing home made choc chip cookies!

LeAnn, I just rec'd my shipment of Hawaii Coffee. (toasted coconut). They served it

at the hotel we were at in Oahu, and I fell in LOVE with it, and so did the kids. So, now I have to keep it in stock in the freezer. I'll make you all some Wed a.m.!!

I have cream if you need it as well!

I have lunch's pretty planned, so, if anyone has something they're allergic to, or absolutely do not like, plz let me know!

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:D:D This is going to be sooooooooo much fun...Chocolate Chip cookies, specialty coffee from Hawaii, LeeAnn is bringing something chocolate I guess I better think of something chocolate too. Sure wish the rest of you could join us.....Julie you have to take an extra day off and join us. PLEASE?????
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Sheri, I saw you talkin' about me.:P APQS called this afternoon and they are delivering my Millie on Wednesday afternoon. I have a cold and if I happen to get laryngitis or something I will just have to take Thursday or Friday off. I mean you can't teach 9 year olds without a voice can you?:cool: U2U your phone number so I can call if I get to come and need directions. Will God punish me for praying to lose my voice???

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Sheri, I think I have a plan. My voice is really icky today, so I could in good conscience take tomorrow off to rest it. If I come to Lincoln in the morning I could head back home when Jim gets to my house around 3:00 to start putting my Millie together. Would that just be a perfect day or what? Being with you all, getting my new machine, AND chocolate chip cookies!!!! Wheeeeeee!:P:P

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OMG! R U SERIOUS! Voice or No voice! LOL! 402-450-8321. Anytime. It's my cell.

I'm jumping up and down with excitement!

I'll call Myrna and let her know you'll be joining us! OMG Pinch me already!

I need to check my freezer to see if I had any of my home made chicken noodle soup left, or if my son got into it and it's gone...

Shana my DEAR SISTER.....If I stand corrected, I do believe you are just as FULL as I AM! Ask me how I know this?!!!!

Remember, we are BOTH Butler's!!!! Clumsy, goofy....yah, you know what i'm talking about!!! LOL!

Renea, don't over do the chocolate thing. I desperately need to lose some weight! LOL! I'm just as excited as hell (can I say that word on here?) to be with you ALL!

And, in 7 hours, i'll be picking Myrna up from the airport! Hope we get some sleep tonite so I dont lose my voice too....oh, oh, and mentioning that....Julie,..I lost my voice

last year at MQS for 10 days after I got home, so honey, I know how you feel!


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