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NQR---Siana is asking for school work help

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Siana is asking if there is anyone in the Vancouver, BC area that can take some digital camera shots of the city. She is doing a school project that entails a scenario of a major epidemic of the “H5N1 Bird Flu” of that city should a major outbreak happens.

She needs shots of a train station, people walking to work, street entertainment (like your street jugglers, instrument players, etc), and random pictures of the city. She has been Googled for shots of the city, but hasn’t found any that will work well for her project.

Thanks in advance for your help....you can email the shots to me at drycreekqlts@msn.com

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Hi Bonnie--a friend from work is taking her daughter to Vancouver this weekend for a cheerleading competition. IF she has a camera and IF she can get away from the arena, I will ask her to take a photo or two. I'll keep you posted. How soon does Siana need this?

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Originally posted by ffq-lar

Hi Bonnie--a friend from work is taking her daughter to Vancouver this weekend for a cheerleading competition. IF she has a camera and IF she can get away from the arena, I will ask her to take a photo or two. I'll keep you posted. How soon does Siana need this?

She needs the photos by Tuesday next March 31st. Linda that would be great...let me know in the mean time I will make sure Siana is looking as well, just in case.

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Originally posted by sewlinzi

Is Google Earth any help?

I've used the Google Earth to look at actual view of area, but haven't had any sucess with getting a still shot from the site. If you have any suggestions on how to do that please share them..and I will get Siana working on that as well. Thanks Linzi....

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Originally posted by Tamarack

My sister lives in Vancouver and has sent me a few pictures of the city. They show Canada Place and the city sky line across from North Vancouver. Is that what your looking for?

TOTALLY Kathy that would be a great start. She does need some downtown shots of the Train station, people going and coming to work...and she thought if possible a shot of the sidewalk entertainment...jugglers, music players. (I'm assuming you have them there as well, we do in NYC, but then again it may be to cold right now for them to be out and about)

They are trying to put a project together showing that Vancouver has a huge population and if the Bird Flu should have a outbreak there that they would/could have a major problem on their hands. That's why she also needs the people shots.

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Bird Flu epidemic is one of my recurring nightmares, the fall out from that. Hey! I think I'll go do an art quilt on that showing a bird with feathers falling out and a person with feathers falling out and call it the fall out from bird flu. Now that's facing your fears.

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Originally posted by Tamarack

Sent you an email with the pictures i have. Let me know if you got it.

Kathy....I got your email and have forwarded on to Siana at school. THANK you so much for your help. Its so hard to so something when you have never seen the place. I know its a total mock up, but they are expecting it to have some very real facts. Siana will know about the stats of Vancouver, even if she NEVER actually gets there.

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The scary part about a pandemic flu epidemic is the people who will be most affected...pregnant women, children and the elderly, has to do with the immune system.

Then, when it hits, there are only a very small, limited number of ventilators available for respiratory support. We'll be forced to make ethical decisions about who will get a ventilator and who won't.

Man, imagine if this were the year it hit on top of the economic crisis, there would be chaos.

Happy Wednesday...YIKES

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