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I've been lurking & learning

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So I check this forum daily here and there as time allows. I look at pictures, ideas, hints, tips. I read the "Help" headlines and the responses from all these great LA'ers. Yesterday I read about SID, whatever opinions where offered, with gread interest. I have 2 Quilts from a new Client, the Pres of a Guild no less, and they are appliqued blocks with a log cabin center. As you can imagine, I don't want to mess this one up. So I put it on my frame today, attached the Ruler Mate from Donita, got out my ruler and started my Baby. Well, SR is everything, Awesome. So I went up and down, back and forth, then meandered the center, meandered around the applique, finished the border with a free hand design, and voila, it is done. It is square, has no bubbles anywhere, only the tiniest of pleats in a couple of places on the back....THANK YOU ALL:P I am shouting this, you are all AWESOME!

Tomorrow I will tackle the second Quilt withlut the fear and apprehension I had about the first one. Here is a picture of the beautiful Quilt, everything about it stands out, except my quilting, which is what I wanted. But you can see the center on the second picture.


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