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anyone going to MQX,have a fovor to ask

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Will do Jeanne. I love that area of Vermont - wouldn't mind living there myself. Our city, Burlington, Ontario is sister cities with Burlington, Vermont and they hold annual B.I.G. (Burlington International Games) every year. When my son was younger he played baseball in the tournaments so every other year we travelled down there.

We've vacationed quite a few times in Stowe too and that is a beautiful part of the state as well.

I've just checked everything off my list so I think I'm good to go. We're leaving very early tomorrow morning.

How many ways can you say excited?:P

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I just have one more day of work and then will be leaving home about 4:30 am to go to the airport on WEds.

packing tonight and trying to remember everything. BTW I was told to have a sweater for the classrooms that thery are really cold. that is great news for me, I have my own internal heater <hot flashes> lol

hope to see you there. will be looking for bonnie or heidi whoever has the apqs badges.

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thanks Shana

hopefully we wil all come back pumped up and ready to try some new techniques we have learned in class. I have never been to one of these type of shows, so I am hoping to learn a whole lot of new techniques and get jump started on my quilting. will take pictures to bring back and post.

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OK Good! I want to hear all about your classes and I want to see some of your quilting and the things you learned in your classes. Last year was my very first year to a big quilt show (MQS) and I have to tell you I was on information overload (pretty much similar to a sugar high) from all the non-stop excitement but it was oh so fun and worth every single minute. I learned more last year than I ever imagined I could. Soak it all in and have fun!!! :)

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Jeanne you will learn a ton! It is a lot of fun and just scouting out the vendors area and getting to touch everything is wonderful! Yes the classrooms do get a bit chilly. You never know. Be sure to wear very comfortable shoes! The floor is very hard on the back! I even bring my crocs which I don't usually wear outside of the house but standing on that concrete floor just kills me! I will definitely be packing my crocs this year! I can't wait to meet you.

Irene drive carefully and I'll see you soon! You're the best axe murderer I've ever met :P:P:P:P:P!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Kelley....I'm sorry, I went through the show rooms a dozen times and asked every white glove I could find and asked where the men's quilts were hanging and I NEVER did find your quilt or any of the others as well.. No one knew where the men's section was....

Did anyone else find Kelley's quilt....

I did find Chad's quilt and it was so cute hanging there.... saw Shana's three, and Tracey's...

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Well maybe that is why I couldn't find them...AND no one else could tell me that. :mad:

Kelley if you are here what did your quilt look like?

And Yes, Dianne you can send me the photos and I will be more than happy to get it up....

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Bonnie and Dianne, Thanks so much for trying. I had two quilts there. Both wall hanging size. The first was my cyanotype "blue print with two trapuntoed figures. It kind of looks like they are floating in in the clouds. The second was a whitework with Celtic knots surrounding a feathered wreath.

I posted pics of them back a while ago but would have loved to get some pics with them on display.



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I asked quite a few 'quilt angels' why the mens quilts didn't have names on them and nobody knew why. I'd love to know who made the Pink Ribbon one - that really took my breath away.

It was so nice to meet all of you. We had a great time - learned a lot and had a lot of fun playing quilter's craps and laughed until I cried at the banquet.

As Arnold said 'I'll be back'.:P

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