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NQR - Wedding/ Swine Flu/honeymoon

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OK guys I sure hope this is #3 in bad things to happen for this wedding! The wedding is the 23rd as you all have heard. So guess where the kids were going for their honeymoon, Yup Cancun Mexico!!!! I talked the travel agent early in the week and she said that at that point there wasn't anything she could do to change the flight unless we paid the change fee and flight difference. She assured me that there were tons of options and not to worry that if the airlines made the decision to include this time frame that they would have no problem finding a new option. Well fast forward to last night when things changed and now you can change through May I think! Now all of a sudden things are filled up and they can't find any options that would fit in the budget. Luckily I had pushed her to send options early so the kids could really investigate things and have a plan just in case. We were going to change it before the airlines waived the fees just for peace of mind. Now it is changed and she can't find anything. One of her suggestions was to spend $2000 for the airfare and then take the cheapest room they have available! I found a cheaper one on my own. Oh yeah and then we were going to have another airline ticket to use for whatever because they couldn't get them to fly with the same airline even though that airline travels to Punta Cana. Well after several calls this morning it appears that they have finally found a solution and the price shouldn't change too much. The kids will now go to Punta Cana and boy I hope the Swine flu doesn't hit there too. LOL I think we have more cases in NY than most states! Hubby is at the doctors now. He came home sick from DC. He thinks it might be strep. If I get it I'm going to kill him! Strep is the one thing that kicks my butt. I've been in bed for days over that. I've only had it twice but I was absolutely miserable! No time for that right now! OK I'm done venting.

You guys need to start praying harder for a peaceful happy wedding and now include the honeymoon too!

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HI Heidi

I am quite new here on the APQS forums, so I hope you do not mind me replying.

I just wanted to wish you and your family well, and will keep you in my prayers that everything in the end will turn out wonderfuly

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Wow Heidi, all I can say is this marriage must be going to be something special with all that is happening before hand. Will sure keep you all in my prayers. I just pray for peace and calm for you also during all this. You are going to need a long rest when this is over

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Heidi, I am also keeping you and your family in my thoughts/prayers that this wedding and honeymoon go well.

And if worse comes to worse re: the honeymoon, those kids can do what DH and I did: We waited a few months after the wedding and then went on the honeymoon. So, the option to postpone the honeymoon is always an option. Think about it. After everything settles down with this flu frenzy, they can enjoy a nice time alone. Who says you have to take the honeymoon immediately following the wedding? There are no "rules" to life. Just roll with the flow and let your hearts tell you what is best. Your common sense always tells you what the best solution is. And remember, regardless of what happens, these kids will have a lovely wedding and the family will be all together to celebrate. Just keep things simple and happy and please...please do not stress yourself out over the things that crop up. Just take deep breaths and roll. Roll baby roll! :)

Love ya! :)

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My Grandmother used to have a saying that went 'if everyone put their troubles in a bag, you would probably take back your own'.

My hair stylist was planning her wedding in Mexico next week. The arrangements have been made for over a year and there were 30 family and friends plannint to attend. I'm not sure what they finally decided to do, but my heart goes out to her, as it does to your son & future DIL.

I'm sure the Dominican will be fine and they will have a great time no matter where they go - after all, it is their honeymoon ;)

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Goodness girl, YOU need that honeymoon for yourself - to recuperate!

So here's the thing I always do... when I have stress - I write it down, choose the things I can do something about and get 'em done, then I don't worry about the rest... It will all work out the way it should.

AND, remember the Serenity prayer.... mine hangs by my bed - a needlepoint my mother did in better times. (I'm not asking how your mom is, we'll wait til after the wedding to find out that episode!)

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It will all work out! I had an awful time leading up to my wedding. I got married on the FL panhandle and there were 2 tropical storms and a hurricane that tried to level my home town that year. My wedding was in Dec, right after hurricane season. It made me realize what is really important when it comes to a marriage and that is the other person. I can't tell you the exact order any more, but the party room was leveled in one TS, so they moved us into the restaurant, which had a 65 foot cabin cruiser in the dining room after the hurricane. I was supposed to be living on my parents boat until the wedding, but after being on the boat for the first TS everyone decided it was time for me to move to Atlanta. Which turned out to be a really good thing because the boat disappeared during Hurricane Opal later that season. We did find it, but it was a total loss. 2 weeks before the wedding we thought it would not happen because non of us actually lived in my home town at the time and the hotels that were not distroyed were full of people whose's houses were and there was no place to have a receptions It worked out, not as planned, but we did end up getting married, a restaraunt let us have the reception in their bar and I think there was one person in the wedding party that was not sick. And we could not go on a honeymoon because I had to be back at work on Monday and DH had had to be back at Georgia Tech.

Rereading what I just typed it sounds like the wedding from H... but it wasn't. Everyone that loves us was there. Which is what was really important to us. Our best man gave us a trip for a wedding gift, which we took the next fall and we went on our "honeymoon" on our 10th anniverisary. We also decide that we would do a big trip every 10 years for just the 2 of us.

We have been married for almost 14 years.

I am praying that no matter what happens with the wedding, swine flu and honeymoon that your son and future DIL have a wonderful marriage!

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Do you want to stay at my house for a while? You can pack a bag and high tail it over here. If not I will be praying that you do not get strep. I caught it from my students so many times that the doctors didn't ask if I taught, they just did the test.


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Hi all! Thank you so much for the support. OK so the honeymoon is now rebooked for Punta Cana! I sure hope they have a wonderful time!

Shana - we postponed the honeymoon to later and after 28 years we still haven't gone! LOL we decided it would be our gift to them and wanted them to have a beautiful memory! They are both such great kids and so appreciative and kind!

The hair appointment went well today. I let my hairdresser do what she thought would look good and I ended up with an up-do. I was shocked that she got my hair up and that it looks like I have a ton of it! LOL I don't really. No sneak peaks though! Hopefully the gal doing my hair for the wedding will be able to do the exact same thing because I really like it! My daughter and I just got home from a day of hair and shopping! I got the rest of the fabric I needed to do the beach girls quilt. I can't wait to see how that comes out. I'm going to make each of the motifs into a 12" block by making additional pieced blocks and then put it all together. I sure hope it comes out as I have imagined! Tomorrow is another baking day. I'm going to make the cookies for the favors and freeze them. I finish them with the royal icing embellishments and bag them when we get to NC. They should hold up well enough this way. I'm also going to make one more test cake just to be sure I have it down! Next week I'll bake the real cakes and freeze them. I feel like I have a handle on things but boy is time flying! Hubby is still sick and the doc didn't think it was strep. I sure hope he is right! If it is Charlotte I may be knocking!

Thanks again for all the prayers and keep it up because they're working!

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