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I made it home in one piece!

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I'm home, well, actually have been since about noon today - but that is just physically! Emotionally, I'm still somewhere over there in your part of the world. And my body can't tell right now if it's night or day, which meal will be had next... It will take a few days to re-adjust.

Let me tell each and every one of who I had the pleasure to meet during the past 10 days at HQMS and MQS that I had tons of fun. Being on the forum will be a completely new thing now that all those names represent real persons.

It was sooo good to put faces to names and to touch base again with the "real" quilting world! This will have to hold for a year before I'll be back to recharge the batteries...

Happy unpacking everybody,


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It was so nice to see you again. I hope your head cold did not get worse. I too ended up getting a head cold from the air conditioning in the classrooms. I slept off and on Saturday and Sunday and have, luckily, gotten over it. So, it may have been that I was just tired.

Congratulation again on your awards. Your quilt and fashions were gorgeous!!

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So glad to hear you arrived home safely, but hope your cold gets better soon. It was great to really get to visit with you and share such exciting times together. Can't wait to see you again next year and your quilts and garments. Just want to congratulate you again on all your winnings...........and now you can stop shaking and relax for another year.;) I admire all your quiling and you certainly deserved all you ribbons..........you are awesome. Keep it coming girl !!!

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