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Just curious what you all would do

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I worked on a quilt for myself last week and the tension was fine for about 2/3rds the way through the quilt and then for whatever reason it went wacky. Didn't notice it till I started trimming threads and whatnot. Anyway the question is would you rip the bottom 2/3rds and do it again or just leave it. It will probably not ever be washed as it is a christmas type throw and will be hung or layed over the corner of the bed for maybe a month out of the year. Aiso it has a snowman on it out of warm and Natural with a felt coat (rather large) I did not quilt this area because I didn't want quilting all over it but it looks like it is going to poof a little so I will have to do something any suggestions? Sorry this is so long but thanks

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For yourself quilts you can DO WHATEVER you want...if its bugging you then frog the bottom 2/3rds and then put back on the frame and try again.

NOW if it's a customer quilt, (which you already said this is a your quilt) then you frog, come here to bitch and then finish the job up right.:P;)

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Originally posted by Front Porch Quilting

Bonnie I'm thinking you should live next door to me I think we could be good friends! No suggestions on the Open snowman? And Linda you are probably right it will eat at me forever and ever....It's a weakness

Well someday I'll be closer, but not by much....only a good LONG day drive instead of the two that I am now.....;)

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The question is simply whether or not it will bother you every time you look at it. I have a couple of situations where a quilt needed a couple of minor changes, but I didn't want to take the time to change it. Now every time I look at it, I think to myself - it would have only taken 10 minutes to fix that, why didn't I do that?

So if you can live with it and not do that to yourself, then let it be. However, if you are a compulsive person who will beat yourself up every time you look at it, you might think about redoing it. It depends upon the type of a personality you are. Only you can decide that.

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It looks like a cute quilt. :cool: I agree with those who say it depends on your personality. If it looks fine from the front, and you won't worry about it every time you have it out - then leave it. But if it will bug you every December then I would take the time to rip it out :( and restitch it. Only you can decide what is best for you! :)

For the snowman I think stripes or cross-hatching on the jacket sound like a great plan. It will stop it puffing, and add a little texture to that large jacket.

Hope it all works out well for you!

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I did one of these a ZILLION years ago...will see if I can find the customer photos....it hangs in a Dentists office in Sparks, NV or at least it did I don't know if Dr. Austin is still in practice.

I can't for the life of me remember what I did to the jacket, but it couldn't have been fancy it was when I first was getting started...will see if I can find them. I remember I thought I was pretty creative when I put the lines in the carrots to make them look real.

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