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NQR This is why it takes me so long - DEER

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Originally posted by hmerrill

I wish I could get them to come eat my weeds instead of my plants!

The deer are very picky eaters. Now the cows that break free from the pasture next to us, will eat the weeds. And as a bonus, they leave us nice piles of fertilizer.

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I need some of that nice fertilizer for my rhubarb!:D

I'm a little leery of the deer leaving ticks and fleas around here.:o I think I have enough vegetation for us both, but I don't really want them taking up residence in my front yard.

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Dear ALL: I don't have a cute picture of "my guy". This year for the first time in 17 years of growing the same large (4 inch) pink tulips in the front yard of suburbia, a "____ deer " came in , in one night carefully bit off 18 flowers with a perfect bite. Knife edge perfect. But tulips gone. 2 weeks later "he" came back and got the late bloomers. No trampling, no nibbling, no mashed stems, no leaves, just the pink bloom......

I'd love to send him to any of you, free, now, please take him....

Signed, hopeful a hunter gets him this fall....

I really like tulips,,,, sigh...

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I feel the same way about my roses! He LOVES my Mr. Lincoln! Queer, huh? He won't touch the Black Magic or Scentamental. It's gotta be the Mr. Lincoln, the most beautiful fragrance I have. He strips the leaves off and nibbles the buds off. Arggggghhh:mad:

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I used to be a deer lover too. Then they ate my arborvite up high enough that I can drive on the tractor under the branches now. It used to be "run Bambi run!" But now I wish Bambi would move down the street to a neighbor's plants.


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They really are beautiful creatures. We have so many in Kansas that they are a nuisance. I read we are supposed to have 3 deer per mile and we have 300! Every day someone hits one with their car. My poor daughter hit 2 and then when she bought a new car she stopped in the middle of the road to let 3 pass by. She said "Oh no you don't" and then a 4th ran straight into her. She hates Bambi!

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Gosh I don't get to see such beauties at my house, only possums and racoons. They eat our pond plants adn the squirrels eat my tulip and daffy bulbs every year. Boni it looks like you have a lovely place to live.

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