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I'm glad to hear it takes time. All I can say is I think I've gotten enough practice frogging!!!;) I am begining to think I'll never be able to do anything but swirls! I've got those down. I'm trying ruler work but not to good at that either. I have the Hartley Base but am thinking of getting something different. I can't remember what it's called but I saw something about one that actually attaches to the machine and it is round with a bevel edge that stops the clamps from catching. My Hartley is nice but I think I keep tipping it when I try to do ruler work. I have soooo much to learn!

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I feel like I am where you are with feathers, nothing ever looks the same! I'm not sure what a bumb bump is but I do understand what the long arm feather is. I'm wanting to put feathers on quilts but haven't so far. I will ppp with some of the suggestios given to you thanks to all the quilters who responded to Anita!!

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I found the Sharon Schamber videos very helpful...there are some free ones on her website and on Utube but I bought a membership to her website and it has been worth every penny. The videos are shot over her shoulder and, while they do get rather repetitive, her claim is that watching the videos for awhile actually imprints the stitch patch and pacing into your brain making it much easier when you actually move to a machine. Worked for me! Nancy in Tucson

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I do feathers from the top down on the first side then work back up to the top when I get to the bottom. At the top again you came echo back to start another or just swing from the top to do the next one. The most important thing is to relax and let them flow. They DON"T have to look the same with "longarm feather"

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Get Myrna's DVD on feathers you can't go wrong. in fact get all her DVD's they are the best!!!!!

course I am still practicing but getting about ready to put thread to them.

The wonderful thing about quilting is you can always make something your own design. I even kind of like my road kill feathers, they are mine

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woohoo...go nita!

I'm to the point I'm bordering on what looks ok to me. I'm sure next year I'll think differently, but at least I'm past the yuck level...and for now I'm thrilled.

I've had books and cds on feathers for a while, but osmosis hasn't worked. :P I did get new front carriage wheels...mine would never adjust like the pictures showed they should ride. Amazing how much easier it moves, but mostly practicing on my lemonade quilt has been the ticket.


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Took a class from Dawn C. in Des Moines, she had examples of feathers lined up in sampler style on the wall. There were all different variations, the ones that interested me had a dimple in the middle of the feather, went home and tried that version, and voila :P that's what helped me with it all, the spacing started working, the smoothness down to the spine. A definite Ah ha moment. Because I wasn't so concerned with the roundness of the conventional feather, the rest of the movement worked much better. I'm still ppp with all of it, but am on my way. Thank you Dawn, Pat

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Originally posted by LauraSews

Could someone pretty please post a link to a picture of the bumpbump feathers? Feeling pretty confused here! :-) Thanks!!!! Laura

Laura, I found an old post that has this diagram that describes the bump bump (backtrack) feather.

This specific example is for beginners to get used to the technique...... And as you get more practice, then start to make your backtrack hump a little longer and rounder (at the tips) so your feathers are uniform. This diagram is a confidence builder so you get the motion and idea.


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I teach both beginner and intermediate longarming. When we do the feather class, I go over three types of feathers and tell them to give themselves 6 months to 1 year before they'll be happy with their feathers and be proficient at them.

I make them draw, draw, draw first and always! The 3 D's, then the 3 P's!!:P Now they really appreciate me! They think I'm a slavedriver, but that's how you learn! BTW, you finally click and get it about the time you're ready to throw the pen across the room, thinking it will NEVER happen. When your frustration level is at it's peak, it finally clicks. Then you do feathers on everything!

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