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I am terrified of Daisies

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Why is that?

I have a first time customer who wants Daisies in the blocks of her Quilts and she expects......perfect Daisies, not just the ones with a little circle in the middle and some nice round pedals, nooooo, she wants the Gerber Daisy with many long pointy pedals.

I have been looking and practicing and my Daisies look nothing like she wants. I am not often hesitant, but this one, well....

Any words of wisdom?

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Only one bit of advice. I learned a couple years ago not to let anyone push me into doing something that I am not convinced I can do well. I would start sending her links to pantos that might fit the bill, but if you can't do it nicely-don't do it.

I have only had to say no once or twice, and the client was always very happy with the end result and I was proud of what went out of the studio...

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Ha! You are so great. Why didn't I think of that? Thanks ladies, Stencil it is, and yes, I will not let anyone push me into something I don't feel comfy with in the future. I have a drawing of the Daisy she wants, I'll make a block pattern to fit the size of block.

How do you spell relieve? APQS Forum! Thats how!

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please share pictures. I am doing a rose quilt and luckily it is for a dear friend because no matter how much I try even with tracing roses on quilting paper, they are no where exact in every block. Never thought about making a stencil so thanks for the tip

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monika, You can actually make a real stencil by drawing your picture onto some of that plastic stuff,(sorry, having a "meno moment" (from menopause):D Can't think of what it is actually called, and using your domestic machine, and a bigger needle, following the drawing and vola! you have a stencil that you can use your pounce power on...there is a thread on here somewhere about it....I'll go try to find it. linda

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Monika, you can use Golden Threads paper too, draw or trace the design on the top sheet layer 4 or 5 sheets and sew over the design with you DSM with NO thread in it and you will have perfect holes to pounce or stitch over if you need too. I suggest making more than one so that you have back ups!

I thought my Daisy would make you smile!

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