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saggy quilts

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Hello Everyone,

Anyone out there having problems with quilts that allways sag on one side? All the quilts I load end up with more ease on the left side of the table. Since it happens to them all, I doubt it is a problem with the quilts. Is there a simple way to see if the canvas leaders are square with the table or if somehow the rollers are not parallel? Any help getting to the source of the problem would be greatly appreciated.



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Here's what I've learned... I've also had the problem of "saggy" on one side of the quilt... Sometimes it doesn't matter if your leader is straight or not...

This is my story and I'm stickin' to it:

When I load a quilt, I do it Dawn's way... (from the APQS maintenance video) I'm also very picky about how a quilt is loaded... I load the backing (outside out) making sure that as I load and PIN, yes girls, I'm a PINNER... that there is a "trough" (did I spell that correctly?) This "trough hangs almost to the floor. If it is a little off, it won't hang properly. I first pin the backing roller and then the "take up" roller... As I start to roll up the backing roller, I make sure that it's smooth, and each end matches as it is rolled... this can take several steps back and forth at the front of the machine. When it's almost rolled up, I check to make sure there are no sags. If there are any sags I re pin the "take up" roller even if the end of the backing comes out a bit longer... I re pin until there is no slack when the quilt back is loaded and fully wound.

When I'm done with that part, I release the backing back down a bit to a small "trough". Then I pin my top to the "top roller" (if I'm not floating) and do the same thing with rolling it up... there should not be any slack in the top, each side should match and then you roll it up to where you can again tighten the backing and add the batting. Then I pin the bat and the top at the same time, baste and get quilting... I've never had any puckers at all with this method.

My theory is that a properly loaded quilt will not create any problems for you. I don't currently have any pics as I have a quilt on right now. But when I do, I will take some pics to show ya!

I sure hope this is clear a mud! Or rather sparkling water!

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