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HELP - I am Everything Longarm Quilting Addicted

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OK, I realize that we all have the same obsession and think, dream, and talk nothing but quilting and most of us have husbands or family who just dont seem to understand. My husband seems to pay very little attention to what I am quilting, asks few questions and seems to be totally uninterested if I do ask him his opinion on something I am working on. But what has really surprised me is that he will actually talk to other people about my quilting. I guess even though he doesnt show me he cares one way or the other he will brag on me for my quilting from time to time so I know he does pay more attention than he lets on. Anyone else's husband do that?

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Jeanne - I don't know if my DH brags about my quilting when he talks to his friends, and just like you he shows little interest when I show him what I'm doing or when I 'quilt talk'. However, he always seems impressed with my work and thinks I should charge more (he always thinks I should charge more!). He is great though if I need something done. If I go into my 'studio' (read basement) and say " I think I'd like a shelf up there" or " could I have some quilt hangers here" he is always willing to do it for me with narry a complaint! Also, he never complains about the amount of time I spend quilting, and the fact that lately he is doing most of to cooking! I guess I'm pretty lucky...

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My quilting is my job, both longarming and making/selling Quilts. It offers a very nice income. My hubby is very supportive. His period of unemployment this summer has me gaining weight, as he makes breakfeast, lunch and supper, cleans the kitchen makes the bed, tidys the house and yes, he vacuums too. I am thinking of letting him quilt my next Quilt on my Baby. I know, he is too good to be true, but.....he IS! It is very nice to have the support isn't it?

Today we are taking a break and we'll go fishing. Have a wonderful Day everyone.

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My husbands POPS in up stairs in my quilting room to see how things are coming along. He does it often. He is proud of my obsession with quilting, fabric, etc.

When we are on the road, it is HE who says, I think that sign back there said there was a quilt shop in the next town. Do you want to stop? YES Believe it ladies!

Sometimes I have a reality check that sets in. My hubby is awsome!

Whenever I want something made, he does it. (Now you have to know, that wood working IS HIS LOVE) so, if I come up with an idea, he just takes it from there and runs with it, until it's done. I just say what I want, and he designs it.

I feel very lucky in regards to a hubby who enjoys my passion.

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Awesome Sheri! I feel very lucky as well. When we were trucking in your Country he would always see if there was parking for an 18wheeler in front of a Quilt store so I could go in and most times it was his suggestion. he always encouraged me to buy as much fabric as possible and he just made me the most wonderful shelf and table for my Studio.

Now he wants me to go fishing with him and I am GONE!!!

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