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Guild Christmas Party

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We have food, talk and then have a Chinese something. Everyone brings a wrapped gift and picks a number. When it's time to give out the gifts: 1. You take your turn at picking a gift by the number you have, then you unwrap it in front of everyone. 2. Then the person with the next number can pick one of the new gifts or if you don't want to pick one of the new gifts you can take someone elses gift that you like. 3. The same item can be taken from others a maximum of 3 times. We set a $25.00 gift limit but just about everyone brought something that they made. I hope this makes sense.

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Our guild is about 100 members, we usually bring food of course and then a pack of fat qtrs, those who bring fat qtrs get their names put in for a drawing ( each FQ pack gets an entry) for approx we divide the FQ in half and have two drawings for them (usually ends up being two big tubs) , we have door prizes (donated from the LQS, businesses, etc) and we also select about 7-10 older people from a local nursing home (rather than the angel tree as most elderly are overlooked at this time of year) we get into groups and provide something from their want list (usually ends up at 5 to 6 items that they each need) and this provides christmas for them. Our party is in advance enough that we can get these things to them in time for Christmas. OH yeah, one of our members is a professional Mr. and Mrs. Claus so of course we get a visit from Santa during the evening!


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One of my guilds has a pot luck dinner, the table are set for the holidays and we have a grab bag where who ever wants to brings wrapped FQs and then you get to go pick one from the pile when your table is called. We've played Quilter's Bingo and a game like musical chairs but with a gift being passed around. We've had word search puzzles and clue type puzzles as well.

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All wonderful ideas, I like connie's dirty santa idea. We have such a large family and at christmas we play dirty santa, otherwise it would cost too much to buy for everyone. Besides dirty santa is so much more fun than just picking a name out of a hat.

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The guild I belong to has had an auction to benefit our programs. Members bring things that they no longer want, such as books, fabric, tops, quilts, gifts, cookies, candy and we have an auctioneer come and run an auction. After the auction we have a luncheon with some members bringing main dish items and others bringing salads or desserts. Our guild meets on Saturday morning so it is possible to do without worrying about the time.

We have also had drawings where members bring cut strips or squares and a name is drawn and that person goes home with the fabric pieces.


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We do potluck with a big ham provided by the Guild. The it's FQ Bingo time. One FQ buys you one card--more FQs for extra cards. That takes up a good hour. We all bring our holiday quilts/wallhangings to decorate the room. We also draw the winner of our raffle quilt and then call them to tell them they have won. That's the most fun of all!

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