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NQR - Silverfish

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Kind of quilt-related when another post ("Pounce Powder") mentioned silverfish liking spray starch in quilts.

I didn't even know silverfish existed until I left the midwest and moved to California where my new residence had them. I was very surprised to move from that place and not take any with me, and have lived in several places since, and still didn't get them. But I recently got infested, and I know exactly when it happened because I saw it. I had ordered wallpaper for my new quilting room, and as I opened the box I saw one scamper out, (and they move so fast!) a pregnant female, no less, because now I have them in abundance.

Does anyone know any non-toxic treatments? I won't put poisons of any kind in my house.

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Anne can you google it and see what it takes to get rid of them....I had them one day in Reno, and then the next they were gone....kinda like the Morman Crickets. They run in eat everything and three days later have move to the next green spot down the road. Can't even give you a clue what they were after what they ate and why they left....but it was an mess in the house and then poof they were gone. And I didn't spray or do anything to make them leave, didn't have time to find anythin.

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I can't tell you how to get rid of them but I was told to keep as much cardboard and paper out of my quilt room and attic. I was told they love, love cardboard. I was going to get some of the centers in the fabric bolt from the LQS but my friend said "don't do it". I don't have them right now but would be interested in a non-toxin, natural solution also. I put Boric Acid around my outside wall floorboads to keep insects out wonder if it works on SF.

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I have an exterminator come once a month for this reason. He said the silverfish like cardboard, paper and glue. I asked about them damaging fabric. He said he has heard this but never seen fabric damaged by silverfish. He also mentioned they like water, which is why I find them in the bathroom. He keeps them pretty well controled but I still see them every once in a while. I don't see them in my sewing room. Only the kitchen and bathrooms. I also switched the cardboard boxes in the attic to the plastic ones and I don't wrap the Xmas ornaments in tissue anymore. They love the tissue paper. I also put boric acid tables in the cabinets under the sinks. Seems to help. I live in Florida and we seem to have an abundance of these pests. My quilt friends frequently complain about them, but I have never heard anyone complain about damaged fabric. Just concerned it could happen.


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Originally posted by Gator

I put Boric Acid around my outside wall floorboads to keep insects out wonder if it works on SF.

When I worked briefly for a realty company, I had the job of going out to the rentals and putting Boric Acid around the kitchen area for Cockroaches.... that was nasty...some of them were so over run with them that the plates actually moved on the counter...but then one couldn't see the counter for all the nasty nasty garbage and filth that was there. Its amazing how some live and say its clean.... I know I'm cluttered, but not nasty filthy.

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Silverfish also like starch so if you starch fabric for quilts you will want to wash them after construction. Magic Sizing is an alternative since it is not a starch product. I just looked at my bottle of Mary Ellen's Best Press and one place on the label calls it starch, another calls it the clear starch alternative, so I don't know if silverfish will like it.

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Have lived north and south, silverfish a problem in the south, I have the exact same stuff.... Here I try to keep the humidity as low as possible indoors, and NO water for them to be around, dry under sinks etc. Still , because I have antique books,(they love the glue in the bindings) I have a few, SIGH....I don't do massive poisoning, just do a light spray of organic seasonally. I don't notice that they go after or do any damage to fabrics, I do rearrange and refold often, air out as much as possible. I do try to keep everything from being in contact with the floor, as in shelves off the floor, keeping under them clean and dry. Wish the bug people could solve the south's problem with bugs in general:P

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Personally I will deal with Silverfish any day....I am just SO glad that I have never lived in southern Nevada where the tarantula's live and migrate....they march between Las Vegas and Laughlin twice a year and its ugly to see them crawling in herds along the road or have them crossing and your car smashing them as you go. I had nightmares for a week after that trip. So nasty.:P;)

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Originally posted by Bonnie

I am just SO glad that I have never lived in southern Nevada where the tarantula's live and migrate....they march between Las Vegas and Laughlin twice a year and its ugly to see them crawling in hurds along the road or have them crossing and your car smashing them as you go.

We have tarantulas here in SW Missouri, also, and I'm told they march across the road in the fall, sometimes enough so you only see them and not the road. I've never seen this phenomenom, but this is just my 4th fall in the Ozarks. We do see an occasional one and if we're driving DH will swerve to miss it, if safe to do so. They don't bother me, as long as they stay out of my house! :D

Regarding the silverfish, we had them in Minnesota but never saw them in Texas or here in Missouri.

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