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Bobbin spring...which way??

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I ordered a new bobbin spring and I have taken out the old one many times to clean the bobbin case but never paid attention to the way i put it back in...the bent end pointing out or in? Is there a right way for it to sit in the bobbin case or does it not matter??

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Thanks Shana that part I understand but what l'm not sure is if there is a upside or a downside when you place it in the notches, this is very hard to explain!! When the spring is sitting on a table there is an part that is raised slightly with a tiny bend in the end ( the part that gives it it's 'springiness'). I guess i'm asking should this raised arm with the bend go against the bobbing case or against the bobbin when it is in the case.

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LOL!!! I finally see the notches!!!!!! I never noticed them before and I've had this machine a year! Yes it can only go in once direction, oh boy do I feel stupid :o

Thanks for setting me straight Shana and Monika.

I'm going to go wash my glasses now;)

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Lol! Of the three blonde sisters only one of us had very light blonde hair. The other sister and I had more of a honey blonde that has gradually darkened until I started going gray. I caught my very blonde sister leaning over the tub shampooing her hair once and yelled it her to stop, yanking her back by her collar. I just kept telling her to stop while she is frozen on the floor with her long soapy hair hanging in her face and soaking everything she had on. She's all panicky and yelling back, "What? What is it? What!". I told her, "Stop! Your rubbing it in! Stop! It's all that blonde! You're rubbing it in and making it worse!". But she still tells everyone that I'm a really good big sister.....

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