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Now, that wasn't so bad.....was it?

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My teaching quilting career has finally gotten off the ground. In late Sept, I lured all my bff's with a Suburban load of designer fabrics and the promise of 'a hunk of every piece' if they would be my guinea pigs (first students). We are gonna learn to crazy quilt!!! My career on the quilt teaching circuit was launched & I drove from TX to GA with all that fabric. Yeah, right! (Going to see one of those 2 new grand babies!)

The 1 day class turned into 2 days - we were in a 2 car garage with the dogs, cats, kids, flies and one husband that thought we had all gone off the deep end - 'we cut all that fabric up on purpose??!' The BFF's were happy with their blocks, they got a hunk of every piece & we turned that load of fabric into packaged kits.

Let's face it, the BFF's were easy students - they know their machines & they love me already.

I'm a procrastinator & very shy by nature so going to the LQS & striking up a deal is not likely, besides, I'm plenty busy, longarming. Low & behold a lady from my Church calls and has a long story about a friend, a class they took, unfinished projects and they are fired up - will I teach them how to do the binding in a private class at her home?

HUH? Thrilled & Terrified at the the same time, we scheduled & I went searching for my curriculum from a class I took at QuiltU in 2006 'The Art of Teaching' by Sylvia Landman. (Yeah Sylvia!) I prepared my lecture, lesson plan and loaded up that Suburban again. Yee Haaa!

Turns out only my friend and her 1 friend (Joyce) were able to come but hey, I'm not disappointed, stress level just dropped about 2 notches). (Is this is a test for the teacher?) These 2 gals have been BFF's for a long time and my friend wants to help her friend who is having some health issues, recently lost her spouse, wants to produce something with her BabyLock embroidery machine etc. Joyce was thrilled when she got the binding on the little top she made in a class, many many yrs ago. Our hostess didn't fair so well on her binding, has yet to find her 1/4" so I told her that since this was only a practice piece and she did not love it, that it was good to have a sample that was not 'close enough' so we can see & know what to avoid. I helped her with that 1/4" & worked w/her to familiarize she & her machine manual.

When I left, DH had left a message on my cell - 'would I bring he & crew some burgers?' - Ahhh, back to reality. My 15 minutes of fame & my $$ are gone, only a memory...

NOT REALLY! I guess the teacher passed, I got an e-mail & they want to schedule bi weekly classes starting Dec 1st, maybe do a sampler for 2010! Here I go, thrilled & terrified all over again, but not quite as much this time. Is there anything on earth more fun than this? I don't think so! I had to share with everyone here, you don't look at me funny when I get crazy excited about this stuff!

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I've been teaching a variety of quilting classes at my LQS for the past couple of years. I have yet to meet a quilting student who was not fun and pleasant to work with. Teach what you love and have fun! The best thing for a case of nerves is to prepare, prepare, prepare. Most of the time being over-prepared takes the pressure off. Good for you for leaping out of your comfort zone!

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Congratulations, Wanda, and thanks for sharing your great story! My husband is always wisecracking about cutting up into little pieces, too, thought I was the only one, LOL!! So happy you were able to help your friend with the binding. Sometimes getting that first piece completely finished is the hardest, yet most satisfying.

Keep spreading your wings, and have fun teaching!!

Vickie Oliver

Beachside Quilter


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