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Forum Designer

Busy Quilting

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Is there any way we can have another "choice" bar at the bottom of a topic page?

When reading a topic I scroll through to the bottom, then have to scroll back up to the top to click the "todays Posts" or back button.

Is it possible to get another "Today's Posts" button at the bottom with the Select a forum?


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If you are already in Today's Posts and in a particular thread and want to go back to the list of Today's Posts then why not just hit the back button on your browser? It works for me. Of course I have Windows and not a Mac so I don't know if there's any difference. Try it and see if it works for you, too. It brings up the most recent Today's Posts also so I don't have to refresh it.

One more thing, if you have posted a response and it takes you back to that thread, you can't hit the back button on your browser to take you back to Today's Posts. At least I haven't been able to in that circumstance.

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