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Thanks for sharing the snow!!!!

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It is amazing to hear the snowfall differences in our area. My friend who lives less than 20 miles from where I work had 23"! They even got the plow stuck and had to shovel. Bless their heart because their driveway is way worse than mine! Still raining and it is nasty. I have to get Madie tonight and I pray the snow doesn't start until after I get her. It will get treacherous very quickly!

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what has happened here in central new york? we have one mild winter and everything goes hogwild! they cancelled school here today - they NEVER cancel school. we had about 8 inches last night - that is NOT alot for this area. last year there was not one snow day and there were many 12+ inch snow falls. last year it snowed 3 times as much. sheesh.

i love my 16yo - he is a real good kid. and he makes me laugh and i enjoy his company tremdously. but i've gotten into a daily routine that suits me. when he is home all he wants to do it EAT - and then eat some more. and it cramps my style - all that cooking. i have already prepared 2 hot breakfasts for him - and i'm sure lunch #1 will be due in no more than an 30 minutes since i justs heard him flush the toilet. i think he has a hollow leg. at least he deals with his own dirty dishes.

and what about listening to my music???

im gonna shut up now cause i cant even stand to hear myself. thanks for letting me vent.

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LOL 16 year old boys all like to EAT! Now what you have to do is make him do the cooking and pamper you! Here's a funny story for you and guaranteed to make you laugh. When my son was 16 I went to work full-time. After being a stay at home mom that spoiled my kids rotten and always made everything from scratch I had a hard time fitting in working and cooking like this so I decided it was time for them to learn! Well I was going to make homemade spagetti sauce for dinner and was sure that son could handle it. I told him to brown the ground beef, add the tomatoes and spices and that once the sauce was bubbling to turn it down to simmer. He says, "ok." I get home and walk through the door to smell something burnt! Well he heard the part about bringing it to a boil but didn't hear the part about turning it down to a simmer. His solution to the boiling sauce and burnt pan was to transfer it to another pan and put it back on but this time to contain the boiling sauce he put a lid on!!!!! Yup he did. Are you laughing yet?

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LOL yes you gotta love them. I have to say my son now can cook pretty well. His wife is not a big cook. He is really a super healthy eater too so he is always calling to find out how to cook things. Cracks me up. My daughter is a great cook and not as worried about exact measurements. I don't measure much at all so when they call me and want a recipe I'm always struggling to come up with one. I pretty much guess at it and then tell them to tweak it. They have both threatened that they are going to come and watch me cook and measure everything and write down my recipes. Better them than me!

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Went out again this morning before reading the forum. The snow is packed down with rain. I removed about 4 feet more of the driveway. I have a way to go. Then I walked up to my mother's and shoveled the top of her driveway so we could drive out. She had it plowed but the top of it by the road was a mess. That snow was heavy. I figure if I keep removing a little at a time I may be about to drive my car again sometime around St. Patrick's day. My shoulder is hurting again so I am not going to do too much at a time. I can get to the bird feeders without having to walk through snow. That will be good for now.

It has been raining hard here all day. I hope most of the moisture is out of the clouds or we are going to be dumped on again with snow.

Shine up the shovels. Gas up the snowblowers for storm number 3!!!!

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Don't do any more, it will melt eventually! You do know that they call this heart attack snow, right? Madie's mom called to say they have been getting snow since 11 or so and it is really bad so they are staying put. I'll get her tomorrow if the roads are clear or I may have to get her very early Sat. morning, like by 6:20 am in Saratoga. At least she'd take a good nap!

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the 16 yo eating machine is home from school again today and the cupboards are bare from yesterdays snowday. of course, the roads are worse today - making me nervous to drive to the market to restock. i have been tiptoeing around the house so as not to wake him, but i can already hear his stomach growling.

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Thanks Heidi! I think you sent the snow to us over here in northeast Ohio!! We are about 25 miles southeast of Cleveland (you know, Forbes Magazines worst place to live!)

I so wanted to meet our son this weekend! :(:( I got the "moms"! Looks like we'll put it off for a couple of weeks! I am so tired of winter; and it did not start here til January!!!:o

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Originally posted by LinneaMarie

But you are a beautiful and sweet dizzy blond!!:P

Hope you can get to Madie without any problems

I wouldn't be able to drive at the moment. The road would be spinning. My daughter stayed home from work today so if Madie isn't snowed in again my daughter can drive. I just want the room to stop spinning. I need to work on coloring this quilt!!!!

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heidi -

i think you should visit the doc again. something is just not right with your symptoms.

please do this - it isnt supposed to get worse - its supposed to get better.

if it is something - time could be important.

if it isnt - what's the harm?


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