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loops on the back every so often

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I have been quilting for 21/2 years on an APQS Millie. I have picked out four quilts this week because of this problem. I have been using King Tut on top and Superior Super Bobs and Masterpiece. I will be going along and all of sudden I will have loops about every 10 inches. Does not matter what I do it will not run smooth. I can do about 1/2 of the quilt and all of sudden loops. PLEASE HELP.

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Make sure you have Sewer's Aid on the King Tut.

Make sure the top is loose on the rollers.

My notes for this combo of thread says--bobbin tension at 15 on the Towa gauge (that is looser than normal.) Top thread "too tight"--stitch a sample off-side to see if the tension looks good. Top loose on the frame.

Doodlebug says she solved this problem by replacing her needle screw. It seems it had a groove worn in it and it would wobble slightly every now and again.

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Originally posted by debbienwilson

I have been quilting for 21/2 years on an APQS Millie. I have picked out four quilts this week because of this problem. I have been using King Tut on top and Superior Super Bobs and Masterpiece. I will be going along and all of sudden I will have loops about every 10 inches. Does not matter what I do it will not run smooth. I can do about 1/2 of the quilt and all of sudden loops. PLEASE HELP.

Sorry you are having issues with this... :(

I think the problem might be using two cottons (on top and bottom) the cotton has nubs (is that the proper term?) and they tend to grab onto eachother fighting for who wins the tug of war... so, perhaps try using a poly thread in the bobbin, rather than a cotton and see if that helps. Polys are more slippery and you won't have that "fighting of the nubs" going on. I have used King Tut with Bottom Line and have no troubles.

When using Tut I tighten up my top tension as much as I can and run a little looser in the bobbin. Seems to work for me to avoid the loopies on bottom. Good luck.

PS: If you are dead set on using cottons top and bottom try slicking up the bobbin thread and King Tut on top with some Sewers Aid to slick it up a bit.

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I only use Masterpiece to piece. It breaks too easy to use in my LA. JMHO

Also, I do like Shana says; loosen that bobbin tension. I get it so loose that the bobbin stands up in my hand but the thread pulls out/unwind before the bobbin case actually come out of my hand. Clear as mud??

And Sewer's Aid is a God send!!

Heidi, one of my idols; explained it perfectly somewhere on the Forum!!

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When I was getting loopies speradically, it was due to an itsy bitsy piece of oily fuz in my bobbin case. After cleaning my bobbin area very carefully, I used a magnifying glass and a flashlight to look around the area and discovered a tiny fuzzy thing in there. I needed tweezers to pick it out. This solved my problem.

Good luck.

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